Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Coming Soon: The Bill for the Massive U.S. Debt

Coming Soon: The Bill for the Massive U.S. Debt

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

State governments are in the dark of the night

On Seeking Alpha it has been pointed out that state governments are facing grave financial stress. One proposed solution is ongoing deficit spending.

However, to my knowledge, state governments cannot deficit spend forever - unless the Federal Reserve Bank is abolished and is replaced by (privately owned) central banks in each state that can print fiat mney to cover the local spending deficits.

California - the gorilla in the United States - is cracking under the strain of ongoing deficit spending.

Usury banking requires a periodic year of jubilee when compounded debt has to be written off one way or another.

No compounded debt tree grows to the sky. Otherwise the ancient Roman Empire would still be here. Debt drove its native farmers off the land, forcing them to migrate to the fringes of empire or Rome and leaving their land to be worked by new waves of debt free immigrants.

California has been exporting its former land owners to Idaho, Utah and Colorado and importing hordes of cheap workers from Mexico. This has not shored up California's state finances.

The darkness is now here whether it is being cursed or not.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Don't Knock Utah, BYU for Booking Real Football Teams

If Utah had booked Florida's opening opponent - Troy - last weekend then it would still have a 17 game winning streak going on. Why doesn't Florida prove how mighty the SEC is by booking real teams?

Likewise, BYU could have booked Charleston Southern insteaad of Florida State. And then it would look like a Florida powerhouse too.

You will win and lose when you book real teams.

Oklahoma booked BYU, knowing it would get a solid opponent. Maybe more solid than it bargained for.

Utah years ago booked a Pac-10 team. The Mountain West has imporved its game overall by stepping up to higher levels of competition in its interconference play.

The Mountain West Conference has made tremendous strides. This last weekend was just one step back, to be followed by more steps forward.

Florida began its season beating a team not even in Division 1 - the way Nebraska used to start its seasons. And look how Nebraska fell from the mighty. Meanwhile, the Mountain West teams are showing a willingness to take on major powers and not duck them the way Florida does and Nebraska used to.

BYU, Utah, TCU will remain strong. Last year bottom dweller Wyoming beat a Big 10 team on its home field and two weeks ago outplayed Texas for the first half.

With the limitation on football scholarships there is now more parity among the schools. Utah has something like seven straight post-season bowl game wins agains the likes of Alabama and Pittsburgh.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Time to Decentralize the Federal Reserve

Is the Federal Reserve solvent if Benranke won't let anyone look at the books? If the government had to authorize TARP money is that not a sign the Fed's assets and resources were tapped out?

Doesn't the TARP bailout now mean the taxpayers have a substantial diluted ownership interest in the privately owned Fed? How come no one is pointing this out? The Fed's self alleged independence is now total illusion and fraudulent.

One writer on this board today calls for banks to be broken down to smaller, manageable sizes. It is argued that no institution would be deemed too big to fail, nor would one institution threaten to bring down the entire house of cards.

Another asks if the Fed will remain solvent longer than the system.

The Fed in its current form is too big to manage. It's solvency is already suspect due to the continuing demand for secrecy.

If the Fed won't be abolished by a fearful Congress, then now is the time to decentralize it into the regional Fed districts,with each district autonomous and setting its own discount rates and overseeing the financial health of each district. As part of this, no commercial bank could operate outside of its region, except through an independent affiliate, not a subsidiary. And each district affiliate of say, Wells Fargo, would be under the superivision and oversight of Federal Reserve and FDIC regulators in each district. Ideally, each district bank affiliate of the current national banking enterprises would be spun out from the parent and set free as a smaller, more manageable, more transparent entity.

There would never again be a central Federal Reserve czar like Greenspan or Benranke because clearly the job was beyond their ability, The current financial mess is clearly all the evidence we need of that.

Disclosure: long AIB

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Issue Greenback Dollars (Dgitially) to Fix Social Security

The Social Security $5 billion shortfall for one month is a drop in the bucket compared to the $2 trilllion - or is it $6 trillion? - created out of thin air to shore up the bankers and their entitled bonus packages.

The federal government, though of course it will not, simply has to print money and dispense it to retirees. If it borrows the money from the privately owned banks to cover this deficit, then, of course, the federal government will be in trouble. It will not only have violated the wisdom of the founding fathers and their government matrix system outlined in the Constitution, it will be even more in debt to people who already are dictating to Congress as they did last autumn with their financial terrorist tactics.

However, non-borrowed greenbacks simply printed and dispersed to spenders will simply offset some of the growing black hole caused by the financial industry's fraud games. It would be non-inflationary in light of the strong deflation now underway.

And because the greenbacks are not borrowed, they would not show up on the growing deficit. As the greenbacks are spent and re-spent the multiplier would generate some tax revenue to offset the problems there.

Of course, Lincoln issued greenbacks. He was murdered, though not for that. JFK issued greenbacks and he was murdered, though also not for that. There were other offshore interests and political motivations apparently involved in those executions. The argument that two greenback proponents met untimely deaths is a red herring to intimidate Congress into not following Constitutional wisdom.

Likewise, unemployment benefits that are running out can be extended and non-borrowed greenbacks can be digitally issued to the jobless and the money they spend will somewhat plug a small portion of the growing black hole in the economy.

I keep reading alarmists who say the government is printing money. It is not. The Fed is printing money and charging them interest and the continual process of doing this since 1913 or whenever has been a major contributor to this mess. After all, Federal Reserve chairmen have admitted they do not know what money is or what it does.

But I think people posting on this board have somewhat of an idea.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Usury Banking Can't Be Fixed, It's unworkable

No arguments for fixing the banking system convince me that usury fracional banking is even sustainable and repairable in the first place.

The usury system requires an ever inflating supply of debt credits so that borrowers have a chance to keep up with their obligations for paying both money and interest. The extra fiat credits needed to pay interest have to come from somewhere.

But didn't Greenspin (sic) and Benranke (sic) set out to destroy inflation just a few short years ago with rate hikes from an artificially low base?. And didn't the rising pain level result in a rate pullback to 1 percent again? But did this ward off the financial collapse? And aren't some factions sceaming now for a rate hike to kill inflation? But isn't inflation needed so borrowers can keep up with rising interest obligations?

But isn't the economic system trying to deflate? Isn't deflation bad for usury banking?

The usury banking system and its attendant dependence on runaway inflation is unsustainable.

It simply allows nonproductive people to feed off of producers.

A non usury money system will be more boring, more stable, less greedy but ultimately more productive because the financial engineering parasites will have to go to work and produce something that adds value, not subtracts from it.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Israeli Looney Justifies First Strike Against Israel in Self Defense

An Israeli war expert states that Israel should destroy all European capital cities.

He further states:

"We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that this will happen before Israel goes under."

A Jewish psychologist back in the 1960s said that his fellow Jews are mentally ill and they are transferring their illness to the broader population. This absurdly irrational, crazy Israeli is proof of that.

This hateful, racist demented Israeli war expert -- an expert because he is a professor -- is clearly a reflection of the culture which bred and sustains him.

If I were a general in NATO, I would immediately develop plans for a first strike against Israel before it can carry through its threat to destroy Europe and send it back to the sheep and donkey age of the Old Testament.

This professor has threatened to use weapons of mass destruction against the countries U. S. soldiers died defending back in World War II.

If Israel has weapons of mass destruction and threatens to use them against the west, doesn't that justify a war against them? How is Israel different from Iraq or Afghanistan? The diffeence is they really do have weapons of mass destructions. But they are acting like out of control adolescents. Someone had better take the weapons out of their hands before they kills tens of milloins again as they did in post Revolution Russia.

Israeli Professor:’We Could Destroy All European Capitals’

(IAP News) — An Israeli professor and military historian hinted that
Israel could avenge the holocaust by annihilating millions of Germans
and other Europeans.

Speaking during an interview which was published in Jerusalem Friday,
Professor Martin Van Creveld said
Israel had the capability of hitting most European capitals with nuclear

"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can
launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most
European capitals are targets of our air force."

Creveld, a professor of military history at the Hebrew University in
Jerusalem, pointed out that "collective deportation" was
Israel's only meaningful strategy towards the Palestinian people.

"The Palestinians should all be deported. The people who strive for
this (the Israeli government) are waiting only for the right man and the
right time. Two years ago, only 7 or 8 per cent of Israelis were of the
opinion that this would be the best solution, two months ago it was 33
per cent, and now, according to a Gallup poll, the figure is 44

Creveld said he was sure that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon wanted
to deport the Palestinians.

"I think it's quite possible that he wants to do that. He wants
to escalate the conflict. He knows that nothing else we do will

Asked if he was worried about Israel becoming a rogue state if it
carried out a genocidal deportation against Palestinians, Creveld quoted
former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan who said "Israel must be
like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."

Creveld argued that Israel wouldn't care much about becoming a rogue

"Our armed forces are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but
rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world
down with us. And I can assure you that this will happen before Israel
goes under."

Friday, September 4, 2009

How Will the Elites Engineer Hyper Inflation?

In a usury money system money is debt. Taking on debt creates the money as when you buy a home or car or take a trip on your credit card. The money is created out of thin air and used by the borrower to pay someone else for the car, the home or the services rendered on the trip.

Now the money received by the maker of the car, the home (or home owner) or travel providers is money that does not represent debt they owe, but the debt owed by their customer. This received money ends up in bank accounts or as cash on hand that is spent or re-spent. The original debt creation can have a multiplier effect of up to five times its original value, according to the dismal science of economics.

At this point the debt-based dollar represents energy. The energy it took to build a home, including the sum total of all the energy it took to create the components of the home plus the energy to ship it, handle, assemble it.

But that original creation of debt by a borrower will have to be paid by the borrower from the energy expended in future years. So that debt dollar is ultimately not backed up by the asset collateral or service exchanged for the debt credit, but by the energy of the borrower to pay back the debt, plus interest. )Take away that future energy repayment and the value of the collateral collapses)

As the principal is paid off, money (debt) is expunged from the books of the money issuer, the banks, but the banks get to keep and spend the interest received on the original debt credit.

Of course, eventually the banks would suck up all the credits (money) as the original money (debt credit) is paid off, or destroyed. To offset this flaw in the system, the Federal Reserve continuously issues excess money (Congress does not print or issue money as called for by the Constitution, only the privately owned banks and privately owned Federal Reserve do. If you challenge that, then why does the government borrow money and not issue it directly as Russia reportedly does?).

How does this relate to hyperinflation?

Massive amounts of original debt credit issue created by the financial system for the purchase of homes was backed by debt originators (borrowers) who would not be able to pay back the debt. It has also been alleged that massive amounts of mortgage debt and related derivative asset bets were not even backed by actual property, much less an actual borrower.

Much of the recent debt - money created by the privately owned Fed - using the ruse of having Congressional backing - was used to simply fill the black hole caused by the collapse of debt credit that would never be repaid by the original orignator-borrower.

So the skeptics on this board are correct in saying not as much new debt-money was created since it simply replaced debt-money which had, in effect, vaporzied due to obvious non-payback because the borrowers would be unable to pay back the debt plus the vast overpayment representing compounded interest due.

We had serious inflation problems back in the 1970s because the Federal Reserve printed massive amounts of money debt so the government could finance both its Great Society and its Great Conflict against communism in Vietnam (a UN peacekeeping action that under UN protocols called for daily battle plans to be signed off on by communist Russian generals). At the same time, there was no massive destruction of money, thus money supply inflated.

To offset this inflation, the Federal Reserve jacked up interest rates to kill inflation, but as two economists wrote long ago in the Wall Street Journal, this might have fueled inflation further as businesses simply raised prices to handle higher interest costs. In response, the Fed printed money so the public had more dollars on hand to pay back principal plus debt.

In 2008 the federal government was borrowing money to finance its current Compassionate Conservativism programs plus fight dubious wars on two fronts while also spending on a massive array of deficit loss leaders from subsidizing Israel (to combat an Isllam that is a morality threat but not an economic or military threat) while ignoring the Chinese expansion into Africa and our own western Hemisphere) to energy and housing stimulus programs. It was also spending on current operations and program staffing, plus rising retirement and senior health care programs.

It should be apparent that the aging population and the destruction of the democgraphic effects of more than 40 million abortions makes it difficult for the future energy of this nation to pay off the accumulated debt of the nation, both consumer and public.

The ability to pay back this debt - and to simultaneously consume new homes and cars and travel seems shaky.

Thus money will deflate, as it did during the Great Depression.

If the federal government does not repudiate this debt, as consumers and businesses are doing through foreclosures and bankruptcy,, it will have to pay off the debt with hyper inflated useless dollars.

In essence, some of this has already happened when the Fed created credit debt to fill the black hole from the mortgage collapse.

But how will it transfer hyper inflated credit debt to China and foreign and domestic federal debt holders? That is the unanswered question.

Florida government is already raising taxes on citizens to fill its black hole. This will leave less money in citizen hands to push up the cost of goods and services.

The federal governmenet has already announced it will not stimulate domestic spending by giving retirees more money to spend. Retiree transfer payments have been frozen. That is deflationary.

Any hyper inflated dollars transferred to China, Japan and other domestic and foreign debt holders will create a flood of dollars, but how will China logistically spend those hyper inflated dollars?

If they transfer those hyper dollars to their own citizens, the Chinese will have to ultimately buy U. S. products or assets in U. S. denominated debt credit as those U. S. credit dollars are repatriated home. Ecnomists have always said U. S. dollars sent overseas eventually have to come home.

If Chinese and foreign debt holders start to exchange their dollars for U. S. property or businesses - that will simply transfer our holdings to them at distressed prices. We are now more of a sevice economy and the foreigners will have to travel here to consumer our sevices for the credit dollars they have accumulated.

This is really getting complicated - how this will all play out. How much easier it would be to just return to the economics of the Renaissance when there was no usury debt. Only this time the kings should be forbidden from borrowing from foreign banks to fund their empirical dreams. Every king who has done so has ruined his kingdom.

So for now we have deflation. We could have hyperinflation, but the money system engineers still have to engineer just how that can be accomplished.

I urge any of my seven followers to clarify where I am hazy and to hopefully refute my contention that all is confusion and even the sophisticated derivative software programs could not figure this all out - or if they did then some people knew and why are those people still not going to prison?.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Too Big to Fail Banks Are Too Big to Jail

The too big to fail banks have become even bigger?
In part, that's because the federal government was brainwashed intgo thinking it could not simply print money. Instead it had to borrow money from banks - and pay them interest which would take away money from future spending needs and trigger the need for higher taxes.
Last autumn the population screamed to let the banks fail - but you saw how Congress caved into the bankiers when they threatened to take down the nation if they were not saved because they did not give a damn.
So what if the banks are now bigger. They have bankrupted a government that should have kept them smaller and unable to destroy the nation.
If you think these big banks are such a great asset - then you must think Benranke's panic is unfounded and the Federal Reserve which propped up these massive empty shells can pass an audit.
And I agree with George Archers that the concentration of media ownership has been very damaging too. These media moguls are co-conspirators and successfully keeping the masses from truly understanding what has happened.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

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Social Security does not have to go broke.
The fedeal government simply bypasses borrowing money from the Fed and prints money and issues it directly to retirees who can spend it into the economy.
What has destroyed America is the criminal conspiracy of forcing the government to borrow money from the Fed - the interest that is subsequently paid greatly reduces the amount of money that can be spent for federal programs, thus requiring ever more borrowing.
The national government is now teetering on bankruptcy and irrelevance because it was taken over by the bankers who were willing to destroy a nation so they could fill their coffers and survive anything.
We owe China and the whole world a lot of money because the federal government did not follow the Constitution and simply issue money to finance its operations. The Constitution was a very wise document.
Russia may have its problems due to the massive problems caused by the Khazar occupation of 1917, but today it simply issues money when it wants to do something.
It has a balance of payments surplus.
No way should the bankers who destroyed our nation and ecoomy ever been bailed out.
They should have joined the homeless on the streets and in their new downsized apartments.
Only in America....
The destruction of Social Security was deliberate by the rich waging their usual class warfare

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Female problems...and a guilty conscience

So I have been feeding five cats and my brood cat was pregnant again because I did not get her fixed before I went on my three week trip late April and she must have come into heat when I was gone.

You cannot give cats away in this small town and the farmers don't want any more barn cats. I decided to keep the brood cat and the cute orange and white kitten and try to find homes for the colorful calico kitten with the black eye patch - my favorite, but you give away your best and hope for a karmic return some day - the gray fox kitten and the calico uncle, which I think is a male and acts male but should be a female because all calico are suppoedly female.

So I posted free cats on Craigs list - getting a response from someone named Jenna who claimed to be from la Junta and wanted to hook up with me but I should first send her message through this service so she would know I am over 18 lol her lol not me lol...but I look at the fine print and see that if I do not respond to two (presumably female) contacts within two days I will be billed $39.95 a month for this service which is to prove I am over 18 lol, her lol not my lol.. Needess say I let her message go unanswered.

My neighbor across the street has five kittens and has lots of friends but now may not have any takers I was told by another neighbor who has cats of his own..

So I also posted a sign on the grocery store window, getting zero response, but I was asking $10 a cat because I wanted to make sure who gets a cat can buy cat food.. No calls.

So I went in Monday to place an ad in the local weekly and the daily in La Junta and my former co-worker Loreta said she had been asking around and after determining my ads would cost $16 she phoned her daughter at the court house to ask if Toby was still looking for barn cats and she was. I agreed to trap three cats for her to pick up today.

Meanwhile my woodworking neighbor across the street with the surplus cats had loaned me his cat trap, a neat wooden cage with a door that drops down and traps the cats inside when you pull out the stock that is holding up the door.

I had been feeding the kittens inside of it weeks ago and they would go right in.

This moring I go out to the shed and put feed inside the trap and the two kittens - the calico and the steel gray fox went right in - and I had them. I called Toby and she said she had forgotten the pet carrier - which I was going to use for the third adult uncle cat - but I said I could put him in a box. She said they would be picked up about 4. I checked the cats,kept theim in the shade and then went to La Junta to Safeway to buy a large bag of Purina complete cat chow I was going to donate to the new cat owners. And at Wal mart bought I a shower head to replace my busted one and a few food items though I try not to shop at Walmart as much as possible because they treat their employees like southern slaves.

I got home moved the cat trap to the side of the house and noted the cats after struggling earlier had settled down. And I wend inside to make a late lunch. After lunch I stepped out onto the porch and saw the gray fox skitter away from the water bowl. Damn. they got out becaue i had not secured a lower latch and they had jiggled the nut holding the door a little loose and squeezed out.

About 3:15 I went back out and set up the trap and the cats were skittish...but they were hungry again and the older uncle cat and the gray fox slipped inside the trap so I pulled the door shut. Two of three ain't bad. I figured I could trap the calico again tomorrow because she had gone into the trap again when i put some food and catnip in it.

Then Toby's husband came by after 4 and I told him the situation and I put the feed in the back of his pickup and he put the trap in the back and said he would drop if off in the morning. I thanked him again..and he said they have trouble keeping cats for some reason and they always leave after a month or two, then he got in and drove off.

And now I feel bad, wondering if I am sending them to their doom but I cannot afford to feed five cats - especially since the brood cat showed up on my doorstep late this morning meowing her head off to me and lookng slimmer and that means she had her new brood overnight. Her loud mews were to tell me she had had kittens and I told her I knew she had had them but I do not know if she knows I know she knows.

Come two months and the brood cat will be fixed and I will pray the current brood if the tomcats do not kill them off will find a home. I do not know how many there are for they are well hidden, as the last batch was, and they will not surface for several weeks. And then the orange and white, will find himself with siblins. I hope he looks after them the way his uncle did.

Meanhwile, the aging dog just sleeps most of the day, eats every time I do, plus her two meals, and wags her tail and never barks, not even at strangers, and still jumps up onto the wingback chair by the front door when I am gone to wait my return. I should throw that chair out to make more room in my small cottage but that is her chair to use and ruin I figure. And jumping in and out of that chair frquently during the day has kept her nimble at age 13.

But she was fixed when I got her, a failed show dog who was no longer wanted and was going to be put down, and the dog was free but the fixing cost $600 because she had a lot of other problems, and she still does, but I figure if I can';t afford a doctor I can't afford a vet and so the two of us get by withour prescription meds and we somehow move gamely and keep our weight off and get by the best we can.

And I am still glad I started feeding the skinny cats from next door. With all those cats around, i no longer have mice coming into the house.

In a year or two though the farmers and ranchers around here may have a surplus problem too, a surplus of grasshoppers. This year their population is building up from all the rain we've had. I figure another year or two of population explosion and the grasshoppers may morph into a plaguue of locusts and head off across the farmlands and dry pastures that rise above this shallow river valley.

We will wait and see.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

New York Times Readers Blast Federal Reserve

This afternoon my electronic New York Times summary arrived and I immediately clicked on the article about Ben Bernanke, incumbent Federal Reserve Chairman.

Alas, only two hours after the article posted comments were no longer being accepted.

No wonder. Of the more than 100 comments posted on the article the vast majority were anti-Bernanke. Several cited the need to audit the federal reserve and there is current legislation underwa to do just that.

I was surprised to see all that Fed bashing in a New York Times audience. Of course, most of the Benranke supporters are too busy to monitor the news and comments due to their powerful, all consuming jobs.

But the Times digital editor got a good feel for the Benranke backlash now raging around the country. Obviously Bernanke and the Fed are only supported by the heavy money crowd who have profited so greatly from the Fed policies in recent years.

The big danger remains that Bernanke will be reappointed - Larry Summers would be no improvement whatsoever as an alternative - and the Fed will continue to be unaudited.

Congress should realize a privately owned bank that can tap into the public pockets for bailouts needs to be audited. Congress has to stop backing down from threats from the bankersters that they will destroy everything if they are questioned and if their looting of the Fed is revealed.

This creature from Jekyll Island needs to be thrown back into the pit of hell.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Media Thinks No One Reads the Internet for Comparative Reporting

A massive vaccination campaign will be launched to combat a flu strain that has allegedly struck about 300 people in a world population of 7 billion. And some of these flu victrims had only mild symptoms.
I have been flooding local papers with Internet warnings about the dangers inherent in the fast track vaccine - from mercury and live vaccines to squalene, which causes auto immune disorders.
It is now known more World War I soldiers died of illness than from combat, and the main culprit for the illness was vaccines.
All the local papers do is respond by printing canned releases from local agencies about get your shots, get your shots.
The media is still clueless that it is being compared to Internet reporting - and is being found wanting.
No wonder they don't understand why their newsrooms are imploding towards oblivion
It's not just technology, it is a matter of timid content.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

t r u t h o u t | Afghanistan War Resister Sentenced

t r u t h o u t | Afghanistan War Resister Sentenced

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Republicrats Dither as Financial System Burns

The banking system is teetering as todays article on Seeking Alpha documents.
Yet the Administration and Congress are focused on forced vaccinations of the population to combat a flu outbreak that has allegedly caused only 300 deaths in a world wide populaton of 7 billion. But every weekend auto wrecks kill 300 people in just the U. S.
And a major overhaul of the health care system is on the front burner. But health care has been tied to people with jobs - and jobs are disappearing and the income to pay for health care.
The Republicrats are turning to secondary issues right now because they have been told the recession is almost over and Benranke (sic) should be reappointed.
If any Republcirats wake up and say the financial system is flawed they risk at worse death or at the least character assassination..
The current banking system falls apart every 80 years and causes major disruptions and dislocations and pain every 10 or so years in between massive failures. It has to be replaced with something else.
It may mean a return to the Renaissance days when usury was forbidden and people simply bought and sold on contracts without interest. If a buyer defaulted the percentage of the contract that had been paid off became his or her ownership percentage in the item then resold to someone else. No more total wipe outs.
This would be a horrible system though. Crafty, amoral people would not be able to game this kind of system with funny money created out of thin air. They would have to work for their living. Or become outright obvious bandits.
Kings would be wise to learn from the past and not to borrow their kingships into insolvency by asking the banksters to finance wars in foreign lands for egocentric needs.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

As the U. S. Dollar Evanesces into the Mists of Time.....

At the University of Utah long ago I was half sleeping through Economics 101 but clearly recall being taught that gold was obsolete because government interest bearing debt was superior because it was backed up by the hard assets of the nation.
Before you rudely point out that Utah is ranked 137th out 138 public universities and colleges by U. S. News, I point out that pretty much the same ingorance was being taught at most of the schools.
Ivy League - (may I disclose one of my daughters graduated from one so I am not waging class envy) - grads who now run the Fed and the Treasury were given the same brain washing that I was. The only difference is that I deprogrammed myself. If Geithner and Benranke are also deprogrammed, then they are guilty of potential economic crimes against humanity for not heeding a higher more illuminated deprogrammed conscience. Most of the respondents on this board (Seeking Alpha) seem deprogrammed. At least the ones who post their thoughts.
However, I question the earlier respondent Darrell who sees a global currency as the way out of crisis.
This is likely why we are in a manufactured crisis in the first. place. The power hungry elites think a global currency will assist them in global rule.
Wiping out the value of the U. S. dollar - which Jeff NIelson says is now looming every closer - is a necessary first step in the elites' plan.
The U. S. dollar is evanescing into the mist because in reality there is no hard assets to back it up any more. Despite North America being resource rich, the local snitches and water carriers for the elites have destroyed the U. S. production base. My other daughter now works in retail for 60 percent of what she was earning in manufacturing (in Boulder, Colorado of all places) just a year ago.
A global currency would be desperately infllated and eventually destroyed by the same elite-serving central banks in Western civilization.
A global currency managed by russia, which, as I understand it, does not pay interest to a private bank when it wishes to print money, might have a chance to survive because it would be playing outside the rules that led to the current mess. If China manages the global currency it would artificially fix the global currency unit at below free- market rates, also a path to long term disaster.
Isn't it strange that the U. S. military might is now bogged down in useless ground wars against two Third World countries which share the fact that both are outside the control of the Western civilization banking control mechanism.
When Rome conquered the Greeks, Rome was conquered by Greek culture. If Israel is unleashed to nuke the Iran women and children into oblivion - along with their men and boys who are deemed inferior because they do not carry interest charging credit cards - what happens if the Islam non-usury banking culture is absorbed by the West and triumphs over it?
What will the money changers and lenders do then? Herd goats and sheep in an irradiated global landscape while remnants of the Fed circle in stolen helicopters, dropping scraps of useless paper from the skies above? Ultimately the economy wreckers must return to the desolate sands of Jungian undercurrents that permeate the depths of their collective tribal society.
How much better we would all have fared had the economy masters evolved from the garden abundance of the Emerald Isle,where it is green and lush. The Emerald Islanders knew how to take back control without resorting to nukes or currency collapse.
And we on this board who know more than the economy wreckers will be trapped in this same desolate landscape of ruin because we had not the social and political skills to stop the mad march into a nightmare world

Friday, August 7, 2009

Freezing Social Security Doesn't Thaw the Economy

If the government truly wants to stimulate spending then why is it freezing Social Security payments until 2013? Retirees are already receiving checks that are up to 50 percent below where true inflation levels should place them.

The Federal government economists forget that Social Security income - when spent into the economy - has a multiplier effect of up to five times the original retiree spending as the money is spent and re-spent while flowing through the broader economy.

This is fresh money that would not have to be borrowed by the retirees and then repaid with regressive interest charges.

Retirees pumping more money into Main Street would have far great impact than has the federal government simply trying to plug a multi trillion dollar finger in a far larger black hole that the financial industry is mostly responsible for creating in the first place.

Clearly the federal government and Congress is favoring destructive Wall Street - which has been encouraging the destruction of American business and jobs for decades under the guise of efficiency. Better if the government would start pumping up Main Street with direct transfers of cash.

The banks won't be loaning lots of money soon to kick start anything. Bankers know globalism - the strategy of outsourcing U. S. jobs and production while importing cheaper foreign labor - has broken the wage spiral that is essential to keep the usury interest spiral going.

Borrowers can't borrow $250,000 for a home today and then pay back $600,000 with interest in the future if their jobs and future raises don't mesh with globalist plans to drive the U. S. down to a world wide average.

More fresh money for retirees is a more logical first step to get more kick for the bucks.

An extra $1,000 spent by a SS recipient, will result in a multiplied $5,000 being spent as the money circulates and recirculates. And some of that will return to the U. S. as tax and Social Security revenue.

And that Social Security money need not be borrowed with the accompanying burden of interest.

The U. S. could simply issue the money on its own - as I understand Russia does when it wants to fund a project. And then any excess is soaked by taxation.

The U. S. has got to stop listening to investment bankers about what to do. Bankers have proven time and again they only care about themselves.

The government should focus on Main Street first, the people who build and maintain America. Not Wall Street, which has been dismantling it for short term gain. Investment bankers ....fix the U. S. economy without them.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Treasury Greenbacks Would Keep FDIC Solvent

The FDIC's dwindling reserves was graphicly shown in Bill Bonner's newsletter a few days ago. It looks like this reserve of last resort is running out if and when more banks get taken out.

However, FRDIC reserves don't have to run out. The Treasury simply has to bypass seeking loans from the privately owned Federal Reserve and simply print U. S. Treasury greenbacks and issue those to depositors. Or the equivalent electronic cash.

Doing so helps keep money supply from deflating even more - and the U. S. taxpayer will not have to pay interest to the privately owned Fed as it would if the Fed puts up fiat money for the FDIC.

Russia, as I understand it, simply prints money when it wants to fund a project. Then it soaks up the excess with taxes as the multiplier effect boosts economic activity overall.

The U. S. government could help jump start the U. S. economy too by restoring Social Security checks to their true inflationary level by using non Federal Reserve greenbacks. Senior citizens with pent up demand would be able to spend more and again the multiplier effect would help jump start the economy better than the Treasury has done by simply plugging the banking system's black hole from deriviatives and mortgage fraud.

Of course, the last president to issue greenbacks, JFK, was murdered. A president before him, Lincoln, was murdered also after issuing greenbacks. But this was likely coincidental because other over riding motives were in play in both instances.

Congress has to think outside the box and totally ignore the adivce it is getting from self serving investment bankers. Of course, it won't


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New York Times, For Whom the Bell Tolls

I bought New York Times stock in part to have a stake in the Red Sox as well as the Times. This was a nostaligic investment that will possibly be totally wiped out.
Selling the Sox for $200 million will not make much of a dent in the $3 billion debt. Just as selling the TV stations did not keep the stock propped up. Nor did the stock buy backs.
Investment bank advisers are just getting the Times to dig a deeper hole.
It needs to cut wages - its employees can go elsewhere if they are worth more - it needs to charge for Internet content. I will kick in $5 a month to protect my nostalgic investment. (But I know a similar attempt by Rocky Mountain News ex employees to start a digital paper flopped totally. But that was the Rocky, not the Times.)
I want to be in the know when the Times disinforms me that a communist is just an agrarian reformer.
Or ignores the alleged discovery of thermite at WTC, and fails to measure the Pentagon hole against the wing span of a 747,.
But it faithfully told about that Florida priest who has to choose bewteen his Roman collar and his girl friend.
And no ongoing Mideast peace negotiation is ever missed.
It is a reflection of what America knows, thinks it knows, and doesn't know at all.
It would not be the same if Geffen boots out the Sulzbergers.
And yet, it will be the same.
Just on a lower operating level

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Baby Boomers: For Whom the Bell Tolled

Response osted July 16 on Seeking Alpha

The boomers are 18 months behnd me and they have often been a pain in the butt.
So let them work longer. I have retired and they should work their butts off to help support me. Keep it up.
Let me add that the criticism of boomers though is a little overstated because facilitators and mass consciousness manipulators have been jerking them around like Pavlov's dog. To some exent we have all been subjected to that.
And naturally boomers were caught unprepared. As late as 2005 Fed Chairman Benranke - sic - assured the world there was no threat of any major job losses or meltdown. The hubris of the Fed had everything under control and closely monitored.
Boomers had it pounded into their brain that the Fed was good, the Fed would watch over them, the Fed would never cause another Great Depression like it did 80 years ago (actually the Fed's role in depression creation has been hidden from the boomers)
For 45 years I watched the news media gush over the Fed and intensely focus on every nuance as the Fed artificially manipulated rates up to destroy business and people and then artificially manipulate them down to bestow wealth and prosperity on the punch drunk work force.
The news media and the people who mindlessly absorbed its information, never asked why was the Fed allowed to do this over and over? A few of us asked, but we were just voices crying in the wilderness.
Of course, most of the wealth was accruing to the investment banking crowd who simply rode the elevator up, and then threw people out of the elevator (always more than were in there in fhe first place) on the way down.
But now the elevator isn't working and it's stuck on the second floor.
Boomers will just keep punching the button until they realize once and for all there is no one coming to get them up to the rooftop penthouse. Goldman Sachs is already there and those federally protected nation dismantlers have personal helicopters to get them in and out.
Meanwhile, battered Russia watches from the sideline and laughs. And China, which is moving into Russia without resistance, is plotting how to expand north from its base at the Panama Canal, an American made icon that boomers let Congress and their banker puppeteers give away. A symbolic passing of the torch of greatness, it turns out.
You see, boomers allowed the mass mind manipulators to convince them that the world should be different.
It is politically incorrect to resist.
The Italian communist Gramsci was correct. The West would never be defeated militarily. But it could be beaten through psychological warfare.
Boomers were skillfully programmed to end up like this.
Who is there to snap their fingers and get them to come out of the trance they know not they are in.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

California, Colorado Should Establish State-owned banks

A letter sent to two governors:

Dear Governor ---:,
As a very interested observer in Colorado I seriously urge you to establish a state-owned bank similar to the one in North Dakota.
Major banks which were bailed out by U. S. taxpayers because they were too big to fail have snubbed California by not loaning it money.
Considering that California is the eighth largest economy in the world, you are too big to fail for the consequences would be devastating.
I am copying this description of how the North Dakota state owned bank works, and it seems to be a good start toward resolving your current economic crisis.
The Bank of North Dakota was established by the legislature in 1919 to free farmers and small businessmen from the clutches of out-of-state bankers and railroad men. By law, the State must deposit all its funds in the bank, and the State guarantees its deposits. The bank's surplus profits are returned to the State's coffers. The bank operates as a bankers' bank, partnering with private banks to lend money to farmers, real estate developers, schools and small businesses. It makes 1% loans to startup farms, has a thriving student loan business, and purchases municipal bonds from public institutions.

North Dakota is not suffering from unemployment or feeling the pinch of the economic downturn. Rather, it sports the largest surplus it has ever had. If this isolated farming State can escape Wall Street's credit crisis, the world's eighth largest economy can do it too! -
end quote

The banking industry has crippled this nation with fraudulent, incompetent behavior. It is vital that we overcome the damage with decisive, logical action that will create a stronger state and economy.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Globalization is more destructive than economists realize

Three years ago a Dartmouth economist waxed ecstatic before a group of Dartmouth parents about the huge benefits of free trade (and globalization.)

Shiv Kapoor - who clearly represents global fusion - says shunning globalization can cause an economy to fail. Later he says globalization contributed to the bubble. And the answer is global regulation.

Both Kapoor and the Dartmouth econimist - who should know as Paul Samuelson now does that up to 2,000 U. S. economists could be replaced with cheaper economists from beyond our borders - fail to factor in the huge economic damage done to the U. S. by the demolition of high wage manufacturing jobs and their replacement with lower wage service jobs. This was and is an important component of globalization.

The new wave of service workers who would have made more money in manufacturing have less purchasing power.

Also, massive illegal immigration further busted the inflationary wage cycle that is absolutely essential to keep the usury banking system going. When that cracked, the banks were doomed. They can no longer count on inflating wages to help their borrowers pay back loans made out of thin air.

Globalization did more than create a bubble. It caused the U. S. and world economy to, in the long run, fail.

The solution is not the simple mantra of regulation of global money flow.
Besides, it is contradictory to say free labor and trade are mandatory, but not the free flow of capital.

It has been proven that the free flow of capital will seek the lowest cost denominator even if, by doing so, the higher paid consumer of those lower production cost items become unable to buy them.

The world is far more complicated than dismal scientists seem able to comprehend.
If money flow should be regulated, then maybe the deconstruction of the U. S. manufacturing base, which made us more self sufficient to boot, should have been not just regulated, but stopped.

People who had to pay $3 more for a shirt would at least have a $5 or more an hour job to help pay for it.

Protectionism and reclaiming lost manufacturing jobs would be the quickest way to restore economic health in the U. S., but now there is no capital to tool up.
By the way, the farming sector and other industries keep pointing out that while the globalists extol the values of free markets for the U. S., they neglect to point out that much of the world still protects their own markets in selected industries, making the playing field uneven anyway.

Hasn't the U. S. repeatedly accused China of unfairly supporting its own dollar?
See, the theory that globalization is great and everyone will play fair always breaks down in reality? China protected its currency artificially. Maybe the U. S. should have protected its manufacturing base artificially.

Our consumers would have consumed less because each unit consumed cost more, but the bubble would not have been so frothy I bet.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

New political parties will quickly be subverted

Turning to a fresh political party is an excellent strategy. But it will only take the forces of darkness a year to infiltrate and control or divert or destroy the Constitutional party too.
I hung around an alternative party in Colorado for a while and could quickly see the infiltration. I observed the Denver UFO Society (acronym DUFOS) for a few years and saw the monthly attendance of not very covert FBI types and the manipulation of the crowd by facilitators to focus on a New Age religion while solid middle class people who wanted an explanation for what they saw were turned off and went away.
A founder of a grass roots reform movement in Virginia years ago watched as an affluent, well connected couple came into the group, was given power, and then skillfully deconstructed the movement.
George Soros,, according to Wayne Madsen, has his forces infiltrating the Democratic party and other groups in a counterintel operation.
Earlier, people who decades ago were dedicated to Trotsky's vision for international totalitarianism infiltrated and hijacked the Republican party under the cover of neoconservatism, an oxymoron it turned out.
I joined a patriotic group that believes in limited government - they are branded by the brainwashing media as extremists for being neither totalitarian nor anarchists. When I moved up to local group leader I was amazed at the huge numbers who had joined the group and then fallen away, instinctively realizing they were just being used and controlled.
The programs are now so sophisticated for mass mind control, collective false thought, infiltration, deception, manipulation.
When the late governor George Romney said he had been brainwashed, he was ridiculed and laughed at by a nation who did not realize they were - and still are - brainwashed.
The nation still believes the U. S. walked on the moon in the 1960s even though a 500 page book by Helen Bennet et al shows the use of infill lighting when the sun was behind the photographed astronauts, the fact that Kodak has stopped claiming its film emulsions were actually useable under the extreme conditions on the moon, the fact that shadows sometimes ran at illogical angles or even different angles in the same scene, the fact that the suited up astros could not have fit through the hatchof the lander on display at the Smithsonian etc etc. (Another documentary I saw depicted the camera looking past the astronauts out the window as they descended to the moon. Two craters that passed by exactly matched two bomb craters at Area 51.)

Bill Armstrong quickly refused to talk about it, but the others insist they went. They also belong to an organization, one of whose degrees is the hoodwink.
I just use the moonlanding as an example of how effective mind control is and if you are very uncomfortable and angry to have the moonhoax discussed, realize that is just part of the mental programming they have skillfully placed in your mind.
The one unanswered question I have is how many respondents on this board and other boards successfully deprogrammed themselves and stepped away from the smoke and mirrors.
But realize that our expressed thoughts tag us for the brown shirt snitches. The ones who know what we know but say nothing have advanced another step. But they also are less reliable for they obviously lack courage
Any attempts to organize and come together will be futile for infiltration and subversion is inevitable.
Hitler, who was funded by Brown Brothers Harriman, took over Germany with a minority party. Brown Brothers Harriman would not fund people like us who are moderates and believe in limitations as the most moral alternative to totalitarian and anarchist extremists.

On Jul 12 09:17 AM fireball wrote:

> in the early 90s i saw massive debt, massive corruption in business
> and politics, and a complete lack of integrity in our media. i was
> just amazed the house of cards didn't tumble sooner.
> there was little i could do on a national level. there was much i
> could do on a personal level.
> on the national level the best thing i can see is to work on a constitutional
> party and to try to starve

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Again, Close The Federal Reserve.

Others have convinced me that only The Fed had the power to police and monitor the banks and head off this total disaster.
Tens of millions have lost their jobs.
Has everyone forgotten this mess was first triggered four years ago when Greenspan and then Benranke - sic - began hiking up too interest rates to "fight inflation?' Well, they triggered deflation.
There are no tears to be shed if the entire Fed is just shut down and Congress appoints an agency for regulating money supply.
The check clearing core of the Fed can be kept intact and put under the control of a new bank clearing agency.
Bank monitoring and compliance can be placed in a new agency reportable to Congress - which had better do a damn site better at oversight.
Each of these components will be transparent. No more lies. No more deception. If millions are put out of work and businesses bankrupted to "fight inflation," there will at least be public debate and accountability.
If the banks no longer own a private central bank accountable to no one - but with absolutely highest priority for bailing out by the peasants and useless eaters - why should the public care. The Fed has caused two depressions. They are a terrible idea and if European bankers threaten to kill anyone who tries to abolish the Fed, well we have battlefield tactical nuclear weapons.
Why does Congress always cower?
In the Good Shepherd, Joe Pesci recounts how different ethnic groups all have something, from the church and family to music or a homeland.
He asks WASP Wilson what do you have?
"We have the United States of America. You are all visitors."
It is time for Skull and Bones and their good ol' boy network to grow up and walk that talk.
I know, S & B was really a front for the Anglo elites to continue to manipulate us. But Hollywood movies always have to brainwash us with false thought and myths.
But the Fed should go. Its employees put out on the street just like Lehman's were.
The banks should do their job - provide money - and forget about ruling us. They have failed at that.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Karl Marx: Master Financial Architect

Yesterday someone else on Seeking Alpha printed a paragraph from Das Kapital by Kar Marx which exactly describes the most recent disastrous credit bubble. Marx also said deliberate creation of the bubble and its puncture would wipe out businesses and people and result in the desired nationalization of the banks.
Wish I had copied that quote because it seems to be the exact game plan we are watching from the stadium seats..
Why do we need regional banks when the Fed, The FDIC, the executive branch and the enabling think tanks only want banks that are too big to fail. I guess their thinking is that two or three survivor mega mega banks will more easily carry out social engineering.
Besides, a destroyed middle class will not require banking services anyway..
And the Fed and the FDIC can easily do their job if they only have to watch two banks. What could go wrong with such a streamlined financial system?
If it gets too unwieldy they can turn back to Karl Marx, create another super bubble among the mega millionaires who own everything, then crash it again. Then leave just one mega mega mega mega bank as the sole financial system in the new world financial order..
I am amazed that free marketer Kudlow hasn't freely found the same Karl Marx quote that outlined the use of runaway free market forces to create a totally controlled banking system in the end.
My compliments to the sinister dark forces who pulled this off, and whom, even now, try to make it look like they are trying to correct a situation that the last Great Depression proved could not be fixed by intervention from Hoover and FDR, according to Robert P. Murphy.
Wasn't it the insider and Anglophile FDR who said in politics things don't just happen.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Great Depression & New Deal Myths

History does repeat itself.
Congress and the White House and the general public should consider Rober P. Murphy's book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal.
It turns out our schools and the media have been feeding us false information. Hoover was an interventionist. Massive spending by FDR - like Obama is doing now - did not work.
Here's what an Amazon review notes about Murphy's findings:

* The Crash of `29 was caused not by capitalism, but by the boom brought on by the newly created Federal Reserve's easy money policy (sound familiar?)
* Hoover made the Depression "Great" precisely by abandoning the laissez-faire approach that previous presidents had followed and that kept depressions short
* The bank runs of the 1930s were caused by government intervention in the banking system
* Government efforts to prop up wages and prices led to a full decade of double-digit unemployment
* FDR's arbitrary policies toward businessmen resulted in net investment of less than zero for much of the Depression

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

MY response on Seeking Alpha, today, July 8, 2009

Nelson is correct. Both parties are essentially the same. As Larry Bates describes it, one is going towards socialism at 80 miles an hour and the other at 40 miles an hour.
Look at the collectivist response last autumn when the banking system was paretially acquired by the government, which had allowed banks to get too big in the first place.
When George Green, a Republican, was unsuccessfully recruited to be Jimmy Carter's campaign finance chairman for the 1976 campiaign, then Fed Chairman Paul Volcker told Green his party affiliation was irrelevant becaue "we control both political parties."
However, I wonder why the British "commentator" Abrose Evan-Pritchard cites the rise in U. S. militia groups. The U. S. government has always been paranoid that the armed force it uses to install totalitarian governments in other countries might be attempted here. But that is clearly just psychological warfare to make the general public fearful of patriots who love the country more than a world government.
Ambrose-Pritchard and the U. S. public should know by now that Russia and the czar did not fall at the hands of a public militia or even a revolution. The czar was really betrayed by his own Masonic palace guard, such betrayers as General Witte, who later tried to mount a counter revolution and was killed.
While the government tries to stir up the public to fear "militia", which is essentially just a bunch of independent unorganized deer hunters, true American patriots and a few retired generals see the real threat is infiltration and overthrow of a representative government from within the government itself.
It is the increasing realization that the top most levels of the U. S. government seem to reflect values and actions that are un-American that really has the government paranoid. The occupied government fears it has been found out.
Originally, the American people fought against British tyranny. Now, the U. S. government is accused of killing maybe a million women and children in Iraq, a country that never attacked the U. S. and could not if it wanted to. Suddenly the U. S. is kicking around the weak in a country it has no logical reason to be in.
Creating a scenario so the government can impose martial control here is always a possibility. The Lusitania, the Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor, the attack on Fort Sumter are widely acknowledged to have been invited or perhaps even promulgated to create a change in mass consciousness that would support war.
The riots in Seattle during the world trade meet were clearly staged by provocateurs, not the compliant initial protesters.
Which gets us back to the assertion that the two parties are like one party anyway. They are not so much fighting over issues as they are fighting over control of the march toward what George Soros calls "communitarianism." Having made his billions he thinks the rest of us should live under socialist control.
Mexico would appear to be the model. A high per capital ratio of millionaires and an even higher ratio of powerless peasants that can be easily controlled - so long as the American one party system allows the potential extremists in Mexico to be deported to the U. S. to be kept busy and subsidized by the U. S. failing middle class.
Ambrose Evan-Pritchard should be educated enough to know that the overthrow of the Russian czar was implemented from within by the palace guard and elements of the military, the funding and direction of this overthrow came from outside the government, including England and the Fabian socialists.
If a militia ever does really rise up in the U. S., it would not be proactive but simply an attempt to defend the U. S. homeland from a foreign directed takeover. To defend the U. S. from a government that implements control directed from outside this country.
This is such a simple obervation of the true forces that could come into play.
The best solution would be for the federal government to start acting like it represents all the people and is here to serve all the people. Not just repreent the money class, elements of which, are known to have financed the Russian overthrow.
To know history is to understand. Jul 08 11:32 AM

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Banks should not have played favorites

Free markets in a America is a myth. We have monopolists who are continuously propped up by government support.
A free market America would have let the money center banks go belly up so the free markets could cleanse themselves.
I recall it was the huge banks in Japan that prompted the U. S. to encourage U. S. banks to merge into unmanageable mega-bigness. Didn't Japan experience a still ongoing economic crush despite having megabanks too?
And now free markets simply means U. S. producers and manufacturers should shut down so companies in second and third world labor markets can become the new monopolists.
It was partly the banks that encouraged the huge concentrations in industry after industry because in their thinking it is easier to make one mega loan - and watch it (fail) - than make many smaller loans. But the megalenders have found out the borrowers are now so big the bank now works for them. Think about it. The borrowers can and do just liquidate and walk away.
The banks have to figure out how to get their huge megaloans back. How to get the mega derivatives unwound. How to make one huge loan to a lot of foreign low wage workers they wanted brought in.
When the banks started favoring a few businesses in each industry in order to consolidate them for lending efficiency they started down the free market path that leads to corporate welfare.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Inconsistent Journalism

The misfortune of South Carolina Mark Sanford is a personal tragedy that has been splashed all over the news pages.
Sanford had the misfortune of being in the wrong state at the wrong time.
Not too long ago a sitting governor of Colorado was rumored to have sired one, maybe two, children out of wedlock. This rumor was so pervasive and just under the surface -- but unlike the dramas of Elliot Spitzer or Sanford or several other prominent U. S. senators and candidates, the Colorado story never saw the light of day.
On a Valentine's Day the alternative weekly Westword acknowledged the rumor by printing a humorous speculation on whom the governor's paramor might be. It touched a wide variety of personalities, even male, making the rumor all the more humorous.
But why was it never publicized as was Spitzer and now Sanford and so many others?
The unanswered question was whether one, or maybe two, of the alleged unwed mothers were also state or public employees and if any public money had been involved in any of this.
My source, an officer at the Denver Press Club, said it was two children and that the media had agreed not to run the story in exchange for the governor not running for any office again.
A Republican candidate for the U. S. Senate in Illinois will have his sealed divorce records opened from pressure from the Chicago Tribune. This paved the way for the candidate to step down and give his opponent Barack Obama an easy win.
Politics is a rough and tumble, poltiical life and death spectator sport.
But not in Colorado.
Recently the Rocky Mountain News shuttered its doors. The news staff was put out on the street.
Did Colorado residents become any less informed? Judging from how some people are treated, compared with others around the nation, apparently not.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Incompetent Federal Reserve

An open letter to Congress.
The alarm bells are ringing.
Why would the failed Federal Reserve Bank be given broader powers? The Federal Reserve should be abolished, not given broader responsibility.
Years ago Forbes Magazine rightly noted The Fed always targets interest rates either too high or too low, resulting in major damage control measures. Do you like having to bankrupt the U.S. with more and more rescue programs that should have been avoided in the first place?
Recent Holocaust Center visitor von Brunn apparently was set off years ago when he attended a national real estate broker meeting in Washington, D.C. At the meeting, then Fed Chairman Paul Volcker said "You will hate me because tomorrow I am going to bankrupt you."
What kind of enlightened, 21st Century government gives a private bank the power to repeatedly bankrupt its citizens and businesses with artificial business manipulations?
And I again ask why every Fed chairman in my long lifetime has been Jewish. If there has to be a Fed, and there doesn't, why isn't the chairman appointed from a broader gene pool?
The kindly Wikepedia said Arthur Burns, a foreign born Jew, did not know what he was doing and he caused the subsequent runaway inflation of the 1970s.
Home grown Jewish Fed chairman Alan Greenspan told Ron Paul in Congressional testimony that he could not define money and really did not know what it was.
If these people do not know what they are doing, cannot define money, why are they in charge of anything so powerful as a central bank, which again should be abolished.
When George Green was unsuccedssfully recruited to be chairman for the Jimmy Carter presidential campaign, Green told his recruiters, who included Ted Kennedy and Canadian prime minister Trudeau, he was a Republican. Then Fed chairman Paul Volcker told Green his party affiliation was irrelevant because "we control both parties"
Please prove Volcker wrong. Prove you can give back bank donations and do the Andrew Jackson thing and work for a better America.
Do not consider this anti Semtitic because the Semites are the Arabs. Most modern Jews are from a Mongol-Turkish sub tribe that converted around 700 AD while living in their true homeland on the north shore of the Black Sea. Arabs look like Arabs and modern Jews mostly do not, due to genetics, a science that is more knowable than economics.
I have said nothing about Semites, a separate foreign policy issue.
Again, why is the top Fed job immune from affirmative action and picked from such a narrow gene pool? This message had to be blunt because being nice and polite clearly has not worked for Joe Six pack to get his message through to the elites..
Please look at the bigger picture and restore America. Please stop shoving America into a partial world order.
It won't be a New World Order because Russia, China and India have grown a pair and announced central bank economics and the greedy forces behind it are too destructive to serve humanity.
Paul Volcker back then could care less about the economic pain he would cause Americans. Maybe the Fed should be bankrupted so its insulated work force can get a feel for what they have done to so many.Sincerely,

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Watching Ben Bernanke today reminded me of the terrible damage the privately owned Federal Reserve has again inflicted on the American people.

This privately owned bank's latest fiasco has done more damage to this nation than Russia and China could accomplish by direct bombing.

Congress and the President have forgotten that just four or five years ago Alan Greenspan and then Bernanke began jacking up interest rates to accomplish what we are seeing - the puncture of an economic bubble the Fed created in the first place. This time the damage was so sudden and widespread the Fed had to backtrack - but it was too late. And now we're in a hell of a mess.

The Fed is primarily an agent for inflating money supply so that wage earners can keep up with usurious interest charges used to keep the people in bondage. The Fed has lowered the value of the 1913 dollar to just a nickle today.

The Fed is a mistake and it should be abolished. Congress has the authority to regulate money in a more honest fashion to promote a stable economy.

Forbes magazine more than 20 years ago noted the Fed is continuously guilty of excessive expansion and then contractions. The primary beneficiaries of these manipulations are the investment bankers who can sell stock they don't own going up and then pocket more profits by selling stock they don't own as prices go down.

I realize the danger you all face in Congress for resisting the Federal bank cartel. The czar was taken out, in part, because he resisted a central bank for Russian. So Russia got centralized everything as punishment. But if you all hang together, you will not hang. They will crawl back under the rocks from which they came.

Hopefully on the north shore of the Black Sea, but Russia will not take them back. I also point out that every Fed chairman in my long lifetime has been a Khazar, confounding the ethnic distribution pattern of even the white Wasp network.

Pushiness does not relate to integrity and true managerial ability and serving the broader public interest. Before you all rush to praise the Fed as a hero, I challenge you to abolish this enemy of the people before it kills the nation - and your anticipated pensions too.

If Congress truly wants to see a prosperous United States, and not just a component of an unmanageably large and unsustainable world government, I urge itto be intellectually honest and kill this beast spawned in secret on Jekyll Island by robber barons whose robbing and pillaging has gone on long enough.

Congressman Grayson was questioning a Fed Reserve woman a few days ago and she had no idea where the money went.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and American leadership has been asleep for too long. I read the executive branch study a few years ago - was it LBJ - that stated a strong economy is a major component of national security. The central bank has weakened us once again. Andrew Jackson is rolling in his grave at Hermitage, Tennessee.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A man told CNBC the other night that he made his bank credit card payment a day or two late -- and the bank immediately raised his interest rate from 11 percent to a punitive 29 percent.
He noted the payment had been late because the due date was on a Sunday and he thought he had a grace period.
But all across America banks have been routinely looking for any excuse to charge 29 percent interest rates - even to this guy who had been a loyal bank customer for 20 years.
The television advisor said he should have made his payment a week in advance and the banks are doing all they can to stay in business.
So when the TARP money is being given to the banks because they, in effect, are overdrawn and can’t make their payments, why aren’t taxpayers extracting the same ruthless 29 percent interest rate from the deadbeat banks?
I think by now every American should realize the banking system is primarily a control mechanism to keep the citizens in bondage.
Once again, I point out that the globalists have relentlessly pushed for wage deflation in the U. S. by shipping jobs overseas and then bringing in cheap foreign labor to drive down wages toward a global average.
So there is no way the U. S. banking system can survive - and neither can its customers afford 29 percent interest rates.
When consumers borrow $100,000 to buy a house the banking system only creates $100,000 -- often out of thin air -- to give to the seller. But the borrowers will have to pay back up to three times that amount over the life of the mortgage. To help accomplish that, the Federal Reserve Bank continually inflates money supply so that extra money is in circulation so workers can get inflation-driven wage increases and capture money from the system to pay back the interest as well as the principal owed.
The two trillion the Fed has created out of thin air to plug the black holes in the banking balance sheets will have to be paid back with interest presumably, so the taxpayers will have to pay back up six trillion dollars to the Fed over time, including the compound interest.
But wait, the globalists have been successful in busting wage inflation, commodity inflation - so why can’t Congress see that the system is clearly broken and cannot be fixed by just throwing fiat dollars at the disaster?
But even a simple minded Congress should see that 29 percent interest charges for bank customers should be levied on the banks as well. It is time to modify the bankers’ irresponsible behavioral patterns.