Thursday, June 18, 2009

Incompetent Federal Reserve

An open letter to Congress.
The alarm bells are ringing.
Why would the failed Federal Reserve Bank be given broader powers? The Federal Reserve should be abolished, not given broader responsibility.
Years ago Forbes Magazine rightly noted The Fed always targets interest rates either too high or too low, resulting in major damage control measures. Do you like having to bankrupt the U.S. with more and more rescue programs that should have been avoided in the first place?
Recent Holocaust Center visitor von Brunn apparently was set off years ago when he attended a national real estate broker meeting in Washington, D.C. At the meeting, then Fed Chairman Paul Volcker said "You will hate me because tomorrow I am going to bankrupt you."
What kind of enlightened, 21st Century government gives a private bank the power to repeatedly bankrupt its citizens and businesses with artificial business manipulations?
And I again ask why every Fed chairman in my long lifetime has been Jewish. If there has to be a Fed, and there doesn't, why isn't the chairman appointed from a broader gene pool?
The kindly Wikepedia said Arthur Burns, a foreign born Jew, did not know what he was doing and he caused the subsequent runaway inflation of the 1970s.
Home grown Jewish Fed chairman Alan Greenspan told Ron Paul in Congressional testimony that he could not define money and really did not know what it was.
If these people do not know what they are doing, cannot define money, why are they in charge of anything so powerful as a central bank, which again should be abolished.
When George Green was unsuccedssfully recruited to be chairman for the Jimmy Carter presidential campaign, Green told his recruiters, who included Ted Kennedy and Canadian prime minister Trudeau, he was a Republican. Then Fed chairman Paul Volcker told Green his party affiliation was irrelevant because "we control both parties"
Please prove Volcker wrong. Prove you can give back bank donations and do the Andrew Jackson thing and work for a better America.
Do not consider this anti Semtitic because the Semites are the Arabs. Most modern Jews are from a Mongol-Turkish sub tribe that converted around 700 AD while living in their true homeland on the north shore of the Black Sea. Arabs look like Arabs and modern Jews mostly do not, due to genetics, a science that is more knowable than economics.
I have said nothing about Semites, a separate foreign policy issue.
Again, why is the top Fed job immune from affirmative action and picked from such a narrow gene pool? This message had to be blunt because being nice and polite clearly has not worked for Joe Six pack to get his message through to the elites..
Please look at the bigger picture and restore America. Please stop shoving America into a partial world order.
It won't be a New World Order because Russia, China and India have grown a pair and announced central bank economics and the greedy forces behind it are too destructive to serve humanity.
Paul Volcker back then could care less about the economic pain he would cause Americans. Maybe the Fed should be bankrupted so its insulated work force can get a feel for what they have done to so many.Sincerely,