Saturday, July 11, 2009

Again, Close The Federal Reserve.

Others have convinced me that only The Fed had the power to police and monitor the banks and head off this total disaster.
Tens of millions have lost their jobs.
Has everyone forgotten this mess was first triggered four years ago when Greenspan and then Benranke - sic - began hiking up too interest rates to "fight inflation?' Well, they triggered deflation.
There are no tears to be shed if the entire Fed is just shut down and Congress appoints an agency for regulating money supply.
The check clearing core of the Fed can be kept intact and put under the control of a new bank clearing agency.
Bank monitoring and compliance can be placed in a new agency reportable to Congress - which had better do a damn site better at oversight.
Each of these components will be transparent. No more lies. No more deception. If millions are put out of work and businesses bankrupted to "fight inflation," there will at least be public debate and accountability.
If the banks no longer own a private central bank accountable to no one - but with absolutely highest priority for bailing out by the peasants and useless eaters - why should the public care. The Fed has caused two depressions. They are a terrible idea and if European bankers threaten to kill anyone who tries to abolish the Fed, well we have battlefield tactical nuclear weapons.
Why does Congress always cower?
In the Good Shepherd, Joe Pesci recounts how different ethnic groups all have something, from the church and family to music or a homeland.
He asks WASP Wilson what do you have?
"We have the United States of America. You are all visitors."
It is time for Skull and Bones and their good ol' boy network to grow up and walk that talk.
I know, S & B was really a front for the Anglo elites to continue to manipulate us. But Hollywood movies always have to brainwash us with false thought and myths.
But the Fed should go. Its employees put out on the street just like Lehman's were.
The banks should do their job - provide money - and forget about ruling us. They have failed at that.