Sunday, August 9, 2009

As the U. S. Dollar Evanesces into the Mists of Time.....

At the University of Utah long ago I was half sleeping through Economics 101 but clearly recall being taught that gold was obsolete because government interest bearing debt was superior because it was backed up by the hard assets of the nation.
Before you rudely point out that Utah is ranked 137th out 138 public universities and colleges by U. S. News, I point out that pretty much the same ingorance was being taught at most of the schools.
Ivy League - (may I disclose one of my daughters graduated from one so I am not waging class envy) - grads who now run the Fed and the Treasury were given the same brain washing that I was. The only difference is that I deprogrammed myself. If Geithner and Benranke are also deprogrammed, then they are guilty of potential economic crimes against humanity for not heeding a higher more illuminated deprogrammed conscience. Most of the respondents on this board (Seeking Alpha) seem deprogrammed. At least the ones who post their thoughts.
However, I question the earlier respondent Darrell who sees a global currency as the way out of crisis.
This is likely why we are in a manufactured crisis in the first. place. The power hungry elites think a global currency will assist them in global rule.
Wiping out the value of the U. S. dollar - which Jeff NIelson says is now looming every closer - is a necessary first step in the elites' plan.
The U. S. dollar is evanescing into the mist because in reality there is no hard assets to back it up any more. Despite North America being resource rich, the local snitches and water carriers for the elites have destroyed the U. S. production base. My other daughter now works in retail for 60 percent of what she was earning in manufacturing (in Boulder, Colorado of all places) just a year ago.
A global currency would be desperately infllated and eventually destroyed by the same elite-serving central banks in Western civilization.
A global currency managed by russia, which, as I understand it, does not pay interest to a private bank when it wishes to print money, might have a chance to survive because it would be playing outside the rules that led to the current mess. If China manages the global currency it would artificially fix the global currency unit at below free- market rates, also a path to long term disaster.
Isn't it strange that the U. S. military might is now bogged down in useless ground wars against two Third World countries which share the fact that both are outside the control of the Western civilization banking control mechanism.
When Rome conquered the Greeks, Rome was conquered by Greek culture. If Israel is unleashed to nuke the Iran women and children into oblivion - along with their men and boys who are deemed inferior because they do not carry interest charging credit cards - what happens if the Islam non-usury banking culture is absorbed by the West and triumphs over it?
What will the money changers and lenders do then? Herd goats and sheep in an irradiated global landscape while remnants of the Fed circle in stolen helicopters, dropping scraps of useless paper from the skies above? Ultimately the economy wreckers must return to the desolate sands of Jungian undercurrents that permeate the depths of their collective tribal society.
How much better we would all have fared had the economy masters evolved from the garden abundance of the Emerald Isle,where it is green and lush. The Emerald Islanders knew how to take back control without resorting to nukes or currency collapse.
And we on this board who know more than the economy wreckers will be trapped in this same desolate landscape of ruin because we had not the social and political skills to stop the mad march into a nightmare world