Thursday, July 16, 2009

Baby Boomers: For Whom the Bell Tolled

Response osted July 16 on Seeking Alpha

The boomers are 18 months behnd me and they have often been a pain in the butt.
So let them work longer. I have retired and they should work their butts off to help support me. Keep it up.
Let me add that the criticism of boomers though is a little overstated because facilitators and mass consciousness manipulators have been jerking them around like Pavlov's dog. To some exent we have all been subjected to that.
And naturally boomers were caught unprepared. As late as 2005 Fed Chairman Benranke - sic - assured the world there was no threat of any major job losses or meltdown. The hubris of the Fed had everything under control and closely monitored.
Boomers had it pounded into their brain that the Fed was good, the Fed would watch over them, the Fed would never cause another Great Depression like it did 80 years ago (actually the Fed's role in depression creation has been hidden from the boomers)
For 45 years I watched the news media gush over the Fed and intensely focus on every nuance as the Fed artificially manipulated rates up to destroy business and people and then artificially manipulate them down to bestow wealth and prosperity on the punch drunk work force.
The news media and the people who mindlessly absorbed its information, never asked why was the Fed allowed to do this over and over? A few of us asked, but we were just voices crying in the wilderness.
Of course, most of the wealth was accruing to the investment banking crowd who simply rode the elevator up, and then threw people out of the elevator (always more than were in there in fhe first place) on the way down.
But now the elevator isn't working and it's stuck on the second floor.
Boomers will just keep punching the button until they realize once and for all there is no one coming to get them up to the rooftop penthouse. Goldman Sachs is already there and those federally protected nation dismantlers have personal helicopters to get them in and out.
Meanwhile, battered Russia watches from the sideline and laughs. And China, which is moving into Russia without resistance, is plotting how to expand north from its base at the Panama Canal, an American made icon that boomers let Congress and their banker puppeteers give away. A symbolic passing of the torch of greatness, it turns out.
You see, boomers allowed the mass mind manipulators to convince them that the world should be different.
It is politically incorrect to resist.
The Italian communist Gramsci was correct. The West would never be defeated militarily. But it could be beaten through psychological warfare.
Boomers were skillfully programmed to end up like this.
Who is there to snap their fingers and get them to come out of the trance they know not they are in.