Wednesday, July 8, 2009

MY response on Seeking Alpha, today, July 8, 2009

Nelson is correct. Both parties are essentially the same. As Larry Bates describes it, one is going towards socialism at 80 miles an hour and the other at 40 miles an hour.
Look at the collectivist response last autumn when the banking system was paretially acquired by the government, which had allowed banks to get too big in the first place.
When George Green, a Republican, was unsuccessfully recruited to be Jimmy Carter's campaign finance chairman for the 1976 campiaign, then Fed Chairman Paul Volcker told Green his party affiliation was irrelevant becaue "we control both political parties."
However, I wonder why the British "commentator" Abrose Evan-Pritchard cites the rise in U. S. militia groups. The U. S. government has always been paranoid that the armed force it uses to install totalitarian governments in other countries might be attempted here. But that is clearly just psychological warfare to make the general public fearful of patriots who love the country more than a world government.
Ambrose-Pritchard and the U. S. public should know by now that Russia and the czar did not fall at the hands of a public militia or even a revolution. The czar was really betrayed by his own Masonic palace guard, such betrayers as General Witte, who later tried to mount a counter revolution and was killed.
While the government tries to stir up the public to fear "militia", which is essentially just a bunch of independent unorganized deer hunters, true American patriots and a few retired generals see the real threat is infiltration and overthrow of a representative government from within the government itself.
It is the increasing realization that the top most levels of the U. S. government seem to reflect values and actions that are un-American that really has the government paranoid. The occupied government fears it has been found out.
Originally, the American people fought against British tyranny. Now, the U. S. government is accused of killing maybe a million women and children in Iraq, a country that never attacked the U. S. and could not if it wanted to. Suddenly the U. S. is kicking around the weak in a country it has no logical reason to be in.
Creating a scenario so the government can impose martial control here is always a possibility. The Lusitania, the Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor, the attack on Fort Sumter are widely acknowledged to have been invited or perhaps even promulgated to create a change in mass consciousness that would support war.
The riots in Seattle during the world trade meet were clearly staged by provocateurs, not the compliant initial protesters.
Which gets us back to the assertion that the two parties are like one party anyway. They are not so much fighting over issues as they are fighting over control of the march toward what George Soros calls "communitarianism." Having made his billions he thinks the rest of us should live under socialist control.
Mexico would appear to be the model. A high per capital ratio of millionaires and an even higher ratio of powerless peasants that can be easily controlled - so long as the American one party system allows the potential extremists in Mexico to be deported to the U. S. to be kept busy and subsidized by the U. S. failing middle class.
Ambrose Evan-Pritchard should be educated enough to know that the overthrow of the Russian czar was implemented from within by the palace guard and elements of the military, the funding and direction of this overthrow came from outside the government, including England and the Fabian socialists.
If a militia ever does really rise up in the U. S., it would not be proactive but simply an attempt to defend the U. S. homeland from a foreign directed takeover. To defend the U. S. from a government that implements control directed from outside this country.
This is such a simple obervation of the true forces that could come into play.
The best solution would be for the federal government to start acting like it represents all the people and is here to serve all the people. Not just repreent the money class, elements of which, are known to have financed the Russian overthrow.
To know history is to understand. Jul 08 11:32 AM