Thursday, July 9, 2009

Great Depression & New Deal Myths

History does repeat itself.
Congress and the White House and the general public should consider Rober P. Murphy's book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal.
It turns out our schools and the media have been feeding us false information. Hoover was an interventionist. Massive spending by FDR - like Obama is doing now - did not work.
Here's what an Amazon review notes about Murphy's findings:

* The Crash of `29 was caused not by capitalism, but by the boom brought on by the newly created Federal Reserve's easy money policy (sound familiar?)
* Hoover made the Depression "Great" precisely by abandoning the laissez-faire approach that previous presidents had followed and that kept depressions short
* The bank runs of the 1930s were caused by government intervention in the banking system
* Government efforts to prop up wages and prices led to a full decade of double-digit unemployment
* FDR's arbitrary policies toward businessmen resulted in net investment of less than zero for much of the Depression