Sunday, July 12, 2009

New political parties will quickly be subverted

Turning to a fresh political party is an excellent strategy. But it will only take the forces of darkness a year to infiltrate and control or divert or destroy the Constitutional party too.
I hung around an alternative party in Colorado for a while and could quickly see the infiltration. I observed the Denver UFO Society (acronym DUFOS) for a few years and saw the monthly attendance of not very covert FBI types and the manipulation of the crowd by facilitators to focus on a New Age religion while solid middle class people who wanted an explanation for what they saw were turned off and went away.
A founder of a grass roots reform movement in Virginia years ago watched as an affluent, well connected couple came into the group, was given power, and then skillfully deconstructed the movement.
George Soros,, according to Wayne Madsen, has his forces infiltrating the Democratic party and other groups in a counterintel operation.
Earlier, people who decades ago were dedicated to Trotsky's vision for international totalitarianism infiltrated and hijacked the Republican party under the cover of neoconservatism, an oxymoron it turned out.
I joined a patriotic group that believes in limited government - they are branded by the brainwashing media as extremists for being neither totalitarian nor anarchists. When I moved up to local group leader I was amazed at the huge numbers who had joined the group and then fallen away, instinctively realizing they were just being used and controlled.
The programs are now so sophisticated for mass mind control, collective false thought, infiltration, deception, manipulation.
When the late governor George Romney said he had been brainwashed, he was ridiculed and laughed at by a nation who did not realize they were - and still are - brainwashed.
The nation still believes the U. S. walked on the moon in the 1960s even though a 500 page book by Helen Bennet et al shows the use of infill lighting when the sun was behind the photographed astronauts, the fact that Kodak has stopped claiming its film emulsions were actually useable under the extreme conditions on the moon, the fact that shadows sometimes ran at illogical angles or even different angles in the same scene, the fact that the suited up astros could not have fit through the hatchof the lander on display at the Smithsonian etc etc. (Another documentary I saw depicted the camera looking past the astronauts out the window as they descended to the moon. Two craters that passed by exactly matched two bomb craters at Area 51.)

Bill Armstrong quickly refused to talk about it, but the others insist they went. They also belong to an organization, one of whose degrees is the hoodwink.
I just use the moonlanding as an example of how effective mind control is and if you are very uncomfortable and angry to have the moonhoax discussed, realize that is just part of the mental programming they have skillfully placed in your mind.
The one unanswered question I have is how many respondents on this board and other boards successfully deprogrammed themselves and stepped away from the smoke and mirrors.
But realize that our expressed thoughts tag us for the brown shirt snitches. The ones who know what we know but say nothing have advanced another step. But they also are less reliable for they obviously lack courage
Any attempts to organize and come together will be futile for infiltration and subversion is inevitable.
Hitler, who was funded by Brown Brothers Harriman, took over Germany with a minority party. Brown Brothers Harriman would not fund people like us who are moderates and believe in limitations as the most moral alternative to totalitarian and anarchist extremists.

On Jul 12 09:17 AM fireball wrote:

> in the early 90s i saw massive debt, massive corruption in business
> and politics, and a complete lack of integrity in our media. i was
> just amazed the house of cards didn't tumble sooner.
> there was little i could do on a national level. there was much i
> could do on a personal level.
> on the national level the best thing i can see is to work on a constitutional
> party and to try to starve