Thursday, June 4, 2009

Watching Ben Bernanke today reminded me of the terrible damage the privately owned Federal Reserve has again inflicted on the American people.

This privately owned bank's latest fiasco has done more damage to this nation than Russia and China could accomplish by direct bombing.

Congress and the President have forgotten that just four or five years ago Alan Greenspan and then Bernanke began jacking up interest rates to accomplish what we are seeing - the puncture of an economic bubble the Fed created in the first place. This time the damage was so sudden and widespread the Fed had to backtrack - but it was too late. And now we're in a hell of a mess.

The Fed is primarily an agent for inflating money supply so that wage earners can keep up with usurious interest charges used to keep the people in bondage. The Fed has lowered the value of the 1913 dollar to just a nickle today.

The Fed is a mistake and it should be abolished. Congress has the authority to regulate money in a more honest fashion to promote a stable economy.

Forbes magazine more than 20 years ago noted the Fed is continuously guilty of excessive expansion and then contractions. The primary beneficiaries of these manipulations are the investment bankers who can sell stock they don't own going up and then pocket more profits by selling stock they don't own as prices go down.

I realize the danger you all face in Congress for resisting the Federal bank cartel. The czar was taken out, in part, because he resisted a central bank for Russian. So Russia got centralized everything as punishment. But if you all hang together, you will not hang. They will crawl back under the rocks from which they came.

Hopefully on the north shore of the Black Sea, but Russia will not take them back. I also point out that every Fed chairman in my long lifetime has been a Khazar, confounding the ethnic distribution pattern of even the white Wasp network.

Pushiness does not relate to integrity and true managerial ability and serving the broader public interest. Before you all rush to praise the Fed as a hero, I challenge you to abolish this enemy of the people before it kills the nation - and your anticipated pensions too.

If Congress truly wants to see a prosperous United States, and not just a component of an unmanageably large and unsustainable world government, I urge itto be intellectually honest and kill this beast spawned in secret on Jekyll Island by robber barons whose robbing and pillaging has gone on long enough.

Congressman Grayson was questioning a Fed Reserve woman a few days ago and she had no idea where the money went.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and American leadership has been asleep for too long. I read the executive branch study a few years ago - was it LBJ - that stated a strong economy is a major component of national security. The central bank has weakened us once again. Andrew Jackson is rolling in his grave at Hermitage, Tennessee.

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