Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Social Security does not have to go broke.
The fedeal government simply bypasses borrowing money from the Fed and prints money and issues it directly to retirees who can spend it into the economy.
What has destroyed America is the criminal conspiracy of forcing the government to borrow money from the Fed - the interest that is subsequently paid greatly reduces the amount of money that can be spent for federal programs, thus requiring ever more borrowing.
The national government is now teetering on bankruptcy and irrelevance because it was taken over by the bankers who were willing to destroy a nation so they could fill their coffers and survive anything.
We owe China and the whole world a lot of money because the federal government did not follow the Constitution and simply issue money to finance its operations. The Constitution was a very wise document.
Russia may have its problems due to the massive problems caused by the Khazar occupation of 1917, but today it simply issues money when it wants to do something.
It has a balance of payments surplus.
No way should the bankers who destroyed our nation and ecoomy ever been bailed out.
They should have joined the homeless on the streets and in their new downsized apartments.
Only in America....
The destruction of Social Security was deliberate by the rich waging their usual class warfare