Monday, September 21, 2009

Don't Knock Utah, BYU for Booking Real Football Teams

If Utah had booked Florida's opening opponent - Troy - last weekend then it would still have a 17 game winning streak going on. Why doesn't Florida prove how mighty the SEC is by booking real teams?

Likewise, BYU could have booked Charleston Southern insteaad of Florida State. And then it would look like a Florida powerhouse too.

You will win and lose when you book real teams.

Oklahoma booked BYU, knowing it would get a solid opponent. Maybe more solid than it bargained for.

Utah years ago booked a Pac-10 team. The Mountain West has imporved its game overall by stepping up to higher levels of competition in its interconference play.

The Mountain West Conference has made tremendous strides. This last weekend was just one step back, to be followed by more steps forward.

Florida began its season beating a team not even in Division 1 - the way Nebraska used to start its seasons. And look how Nebraska fell from the mighty. Meanwhile, the Mountain West teams are showing a willingness to take on major powers and not duck them the way Florida does and Nebraska used to.

BYU, Utah, TCU will remain strong. Last year bottom dweller Wyoming beat a Big 10 team on its home field and two weeks ago outplayed Texas for the first half.

With the limitation on football scholarships there is now more parity among the schools. Utah has something like seven straight post-season bowl game wins agains the likes of Alabama and Pittsburgh.