Monday, August 17, 2009

Media Thinks No One Reads the Internet for Comparative Reporting

A massive vaccination campaign will be launched to combat a flu strain that has allegedly struck about 300 people in a world population of 7 billion. And some of these flu victrims had only mild symptoms.
I have been flooding local papers with Internet warnings about the dangers inherent in the fast track vaccine - from mercury and live vaccines to squalene, which causes auto immune disorders.
It is now known more World War I soldiers died of illness than from combat, and the main culprit for the illness was vaccines.
All the local papers do is respond by printing canned releases from local agencies about get your shots, get your shots.
The media is still clueless that it is being compared to Internet reporting - and is being found wanting.
No wonder they don't understand why their newsrooms are imploding towards oblivion
It's not just technology, it is a matter of timid content.