Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Utah UFO's of long ago.....

At Saturday’s Mufon meeting in Minnesota I was bored and almost napping from the droning monotone voice of Linda Moulton Howe, producer of the film Alien Harvest.  But after an hour I snapped awake as she suddenly got into her probe of  a Palo Alto lab involved in totalitarian secretive black op research into interstellar propulsion and other related subjects.

She also touched on the  more recent conclusions that the mysterious Bentwater Rendlesham Forest UFO sightings in England the day after Christmas 1980 were time travelers from the future gathering DNA from humans to repair something that has gone terribly wrong in the future. But that topic was covered in a book review a month or so earlier.

Anyway, the meeting brought to mind three UFO sightings I had in Utah back in the ‘60s and ‘70s..

1)  Zanna was washing dishes at the sink at our home in Sandy in the 1970s (same hometown for the mythical Big Love family). I stepped out on the deck which overlooked I think it was called Dry Creek Canyon which bordered our backyard.  Looking to the east above Big Cottonwood Canyon, I saw a white cloud.  Five or six small white lights flew into that cloud from the north and did not emerge from the other side.  After a few minutes some more small white lights did fly out of the cloud, heading south.  The cloud appeared to be cloaking a possible mother craft.  The cloud remained stationary at that spot for some time..

2)  Twice while out chasing stories for the Salt Lake Tribune when I was night police reporter in the late ‘60s, I saw a large white glowing light descending from the east at about a 45 degree angle and disappear behind the foothills just north of the cities.  In those days there were no homes on that hillside and I hiked them often, walking along ancient game trails and Indian paths.  The first time I was out of my car and saw the hill back
lit by the intense large glob of light when it got behind it.  The other time I was in my car driving on 5th South toward University Hospital and only saw the light descending.  One night a young kid called me when I was at the Tribune after midnight and we chatted and he said he had seen the same kind of lights also.

Just to the west of this area is Mueller Park in the Bountiful area. One Sunday my brother and I drove there and because a large LDS picnic was underway, we walked over to where a low chain or rope blocked access to a footpath leading from the park and alongside the mountain overlooking the Salt Lake Valley.  A sign said no trespassing. Not being Mormon and being counterculture we stepped over the barrier and walked along the path.  After several minutes we stopped. We could clearly hear machinery in the ground underneath us.  There are storage vaults in the granite mountains just east of Salt Lake City, but I believe the mountain we were on is an alluvial deposit, unless there is a more solid rock reef under the looser covering.

3) One night I drove my father to a store just off 13th East at Sugarhouse Park, a mostly commercial area just south of 21st South.  While he was inside buying cigarettes, the top of my Fiat Spyder was down and settled back to enjoy the warm summer evening.  I was surprised to see a large  black object with no lights flying over 13th East just to the east of me.   Though it had no lights, you could see a shape passing almost overhead because of the bright lights in the large parking lot.   It was traveling maybe 40 to 60 miles an hour and was completely silent.  I thought it was a plane going down.  When my father returned I am sure he thought I was crazy as I drove off and turned north onto 13th and sped along looking for a plane crash.   I remember the dark object and it was about 100 to 200 feet above the road. But I cannot say if it was triangular shaped or oval.  This would have been in the late 1960s or early 1970s.