Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Liberals Have a Split Personality On Global Warming

While humans weren't around in big numbers to trigger the Big Melt Off that destroyed the miles thick ice cap over North America  20,000 years ago, liberals are blaming the surging human population for a perceived but debatable global warming episode now underway.
 A man gave a talk on over population and global warming just the other day before a Critical Thinkers Club in St. Paul, MN.
 I clearly recall two generations of American women being told to have only two children because resources are finite and have to be conserved.  The women overall complied and the birth rate fell to about replacement level.
 So why are liberals working so hard to bring people from high birth rate countries into the United States...where their surging numbers are using the natural resources that we were supposed to conserve for future generations?
 The numbers are in.  Mexican women have a higher birth rate in the U S than back in their native Mexico which reportedly has the highest per capital number of millionaires in the world, and those millionaires refuse to tax themselves and provide opportunity to their Indian blooded citizens.  Instead, they deport them northward for U S liberals to take care of.
 Muslim women who are married each give birth to  six children on average. Again, they are being welcomed warmly into the U S. In the Twin Cities area they are filling apartment complexes set aside for affordable housing for American Americans originally.
 Environmentalist Frosty Woolridge of Colorado has been shouting about the harm being done to the U S environment and natural resources by the swarming numbers of illegal immigrants.  And yet even tree hugging liberals - showing their inconsistent mindset - turn a deaf ear to Frosty.
 I  don't count liberals as friends of the U S environmental resources. And by moving high birth rate migrants into northern latitudes, to support their higher birth rates, they are obviously contributing to warming the environment - by their own logic. 
In his book The Hidden West, Rob Schultheis wrote how the big octopus Los Angeles reached out and sucked the water out of lakes and rivers and wetlands up to a thousand miles away in the Great Basin.  
 Now that the Southwest is again gripped in a predictable drought, that huge sprawling urban area - made much more populated by the immigrants the liberals recruited - the city has no where to turn but the ocean.  And the current drought is now having a much more serious impact because millions of illegal immigrants were unleashed upon the Southwest landscape.
Humans are locusts.  We can and do destroy our landscape.   So why do liberals want more and more locusts?
Why don't the liberals  move to the Mideast...to Central America...to all the places where the birth rate is surging out of control.   And take their message to what is the very source of global warming.
 Bring  this up to most liberals and watch them go emotional.  Not logical. 
Thus their split personality.
 Personally, I think the sun and other factors control temperatures more than people do, except in urban areas where development does raise temperatures.  But without a doubt our surging population is having serious environmental impacts.