Monday, September 29, 2014

Are Current Debt Woes a Death Knell?

Today, David Stockman's latest essay is titled:

"Peak Debt - Why The Keynesian Money Printers Are Done"

Deep into his essay Stockman writes:

"Self evidently, all the major economies are saturated with debt."

I would point out that Western civilization is rooted in the Roman universal church established by the Emperor Constantine. The universal church he created became a repository of Roman values and ambitions. When Rome collapsed, the church carried the seeds of ancient Rome for centuries until they could again flourish.

Usury was always suppressed by the Roman church - though allowed to be practiced by non Christians within its empire. More than three dozen times the usury licensees would eventually be seized by the Roman church after substantial amounts of property had been accumulated by the usury lenders through foreclosure. The church would take over the properties for itself. The non-Christian usury agents would be allowed to retain seed funds and sent on to a new location to do it again. This happened over and over.

About 500 years ago bans on usury for both Christian and non-Christian lenders were relaxed...and interest rates far above the imposed limit of 4 percent have been the rule of the day ever since. Usury has been a free for all be enjoyed by the most rugged and ruthless and alert.

Fractional banking and fiat money - boosted by the tremendous energy expansion from exploitation of petroleum and natural gas - have resulted in an explosive expansion of the economy, far above the traditional rural agricultural foundation supporting a few cultural and economic centers.

But to work usury lending rates demand an ever increasing pool of borrowers plus inflation so that borrowers have a sort of chance to keep up.

This incredible economic and population expansion the past few centuries has caused considerable environmental damage and for a number of additional reasons that include economic and moral decline, the Western birth rate is now collapsing. (The environmental damage is accelerating as India and China adapt Western consumerism and resource development. Carbon emissions are just one of the signs, and by the way, the global climate is still driven more by the sun, orbital angles and cosmic dust and volcanic eruptions. Carbon emissions should be viewed as environmental damage.)

Those living under Sharia law, while not enjoying the illusory wealth of the West, have a still very high birth rate. The Average Muslim woman has six children. Western banks and facilitators have opened the floodgates to foreigners far and wide to come in and provide labor and a base for usury lending... Visit U S cities and you will see those living under Sharia law elsewhere - along with the oppressed indigenous underclass of Mexico - are crowding out locals for subsidized housing and related welfare supplements. It is unknown by me how much they are adding to the commercial lending base.

Stockman is describing what appears to be the beginning death spasms of the West...and its 500 year old Western usury lending culture will likely collapse and be absorbed by the Sharia culture, now 1,400 years old and still explosively growing. Population flow charts should be reflecting this in coming years.

There has been no attempt to contain Sharia culture and force it to deal with its own expansionist population policy...instead, it is being allowed to spill into the West... and the rest of the emerging story will eventually become history.

There is no leadership emerging to save the West with common sense ideas. Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul have been ignored...and suppressed as marginal.

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