Sunday, August 30, 2009

Too Big to Fail Banks Are Too Big to Jail

The too big to fail banks have become even bigger?
In part, that's because the federal government was brainwashed intgo thinking it could not simply print money. Instead it had to borrow money from banks - and pay them interest which would take away money from future spending needs and trigger the need for higher taxes.
Last autumn the population screamed to let the banks fail - but you saw how Congress caved into the bankiers when they threatened to take down the nation if they were not saved because they did not give a damn.
So what if the banks are now bigger. They have bankrupted a government that should have kept them smaller and unable to destroy the nation.
If you think these big banks are such a great asset - then you must think Benranke's panic is unfounded and the Federal Reserve which propped up these massive empty shells can pass an audit.
And I agree with George Archers that the concentration of media ownership has been very damaging too. These media moguls are co-conspirators and successfully keeping the masses from truly understanding what has happened.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

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Social Security does not have to go broke.
The fedeal government simply bypasses borrowing money from the Fed and prints money and issues it directly to retirees who can spend it into the economy.
What has destroyed America is the criminal conspiracy of forcing the government to borrow money from the Fed - the interest that is subsequently paid greatly reduces the amount of money that can be spent for federal programs, thus requiring ever more borrowing.
The national government is now teetering on bankruptcy and irrelevance because it was taken over by the bankers who were willing to destroy a nation so they could fill their coffers and survive anything.
We owe China and the whole world a lot of money because the federal government did not follow the Constitution and simply issue money to finance its operations. The Constitution was a very wise document.
Russia may have its problems due to the massive problems caused by the Khazar occupation of 1917, but today it simply issues money when it wants to do something.
It has a balance of payments surplus.
No way should the bankers who destroyed our nation and ecoomy ever been bailed out.
They should have joined the homeless on the streets and in their new downsized apartments.
Only in America....
The destruction of Social Security was deliberate by the rich waging their usual class warfare

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Female problems...and a guilty conscience

So I have been feeding five cats and my brood cat was pregnant again because I did not get her fixed before I went on my three week trip late April and she must have come into heat when I was gone.

You cannot give cats away in this small town and the farmers don't want any more barn cats. I decided to keep the brood cat and the cute orange and white kitten and try to find homes for the colorful calico kitten with the black eye patch - my favorite, but you give away your best and hope for a karmic return some day - the gray fox kitten and the calico uncle, which I think is a male and acts male but should be a female because all calico are suppoedly female.

So I posted free cats on Craigs list - getting a response from someone named Jenna who claimed to be from la Junta and wanted to hook up with me but I should first send her message through this service so she would know I am over 18 lol her lol not me lol...but I look at the fine print and see that if I do not respond to two (presumably female) contacts within two days I will be billed $39.95 a month for this service which is to prove I am over 18 lol, her lol not my lol.. Needess say I let her message go unanswered.

My neighbor across the street has five kittens and has lots of friends but now may not have any takers I was told by another neighbor who has cats of his own..

So I also posted a sign on the grocery store window, getting zero response, but I was asking $10 a cat because I wanted to make sure who gets a cat can buy cat food.. No calls.

So I went in Monday to place an ad in the local weekly and the daily in La Junta and my former co-worker Loreta said she had been asking around and after determining my ads would cost $16 she phoned her daughter at the court house to ask if Toby was still looking for barn cats and she was. I agreed to trap three cats for her to pick up today.

Meanwhile my woodworking neighbor across the street with the surplus cats had loaned me his cat trap, a neat wooden cage with a door that drops down and traps the cats inside when you pull out the stock that is holding up the door.

I had been feeding the kittens inside of it weeks ago and they would go right in.

This moring I go out to the shed and put feed inside the trap and the two kittens - the calico and the steel gray fox went right in - and I had them. I called Toby and she said she had forgotten the pet carrier - which I was going to use for the third adult uncle cat - but I said I could put him in a box. She said they would be picked up about 4. I checked the cats,kept theim in the shade and then went to La Junta to Safeway to buy a large bag of Purina complete cat chow I was going to donate to the new cat owners. And at Wal mart bought I a shower head to replace my busted one and a few food items though I try not to shop at Walmart as much as possible because they treat their employees like southern slaves.

I got home moved the cat trap to the side of the house and noted the cats after struggling earlier had settled down. And I wend inside to make a late lunch. After lunch I stepped out onto the porch and saw the gray fox skitter away from the water bowl. Damn. they got out becaue i had not secured a lower latch and they had jiggled the nut holding the door a little loose and squeezed out.

About 3:15 I went back out and set up the trap and the cats were skittish...but they were hungry again and the older uncle cat and the gray fox slipped inside the trap so I pulled the door shut. Two of three ain't bad. I figured I could trap the calico again tomorrow because she had gone into the trap again when i put some food and catnip in it.

Then Toby's husband came by after 4 and I told him the situation and I put the feed in the back of his pickup and he put the trap in the back and said he would drop if off in the morning. I thanked him again..and he said they have trouble keeping cats for some reason and they always leave after a month or two, then he got in and drove off.

And now I feel bad, wondering if I am sending them to their doom but I cannot afford to feed five cats - especially since the brood cat showed up on my doorstep late this morning meowing her head off to me and lookng slimmer and that means she had her new brood overnight. Her loud mews were to tell me she had had kittens and I told her I knew she had had them but I do not know if she knows I know she knows.

Come two months and the brood cat will be fixed and I will pray the current brood if the tomcats do not kill them off will find a home. I do not know how many there are for they are well hidden, as the last batch was, and they will not surface for several weeks. And then the orange and white, will find himself with siblins. I hope he looks after them the way his uncle did.

Meanhwile, the aging dog just sleeps most of the day, eats every time I do, plus her two meals, and wags her tail and never barks, not even at strangers, and still jumps up onto the wingback chair by the front door when I am gone to wait my return. I should throw that chair out to make more room in my small cottage but that is her chair to use and ruin I figure. And jumping in and out of that chair frquently during the day has kept her nimble at age 13.

But she was fixed when I got her, a failed show dog who was no longer wanted and was going to be put down, and the dog was free but the fixing cost $600 because she had a lot of other problems, and she still does, but I figure if I can';t afford a doctor I can't afford a vet and so the two of us get by withour prescription meds and we somehow move gamely and keep our weight off and get by the best we can.

And I am still glad I started feeding the skinny cats from next door. With all those cats around, i no longer have mice coming into the house.

In a year or two though the farmers and ranchers around here may have a surplus problem too, a surplus of grasshoppers. This year their population is building up from all the rain we've had. I figure another year or two of population explosion and the grasshoppers may morph into a plaguue of locusts and head off across the farmlands and dry pastures that rise above this shallow river valley.

We will wait and see.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

New York Times Readers Blast Federal Reserve

This afternoon my electronic New York Times summary arrived and I immediately clicked on the article about Ben Bernanke, incumbent Federal Reserve Chairman.

Alas, only two hours after the article posted comments were no longer being accepted.

No wonder. Of the more than 100 comments posted on the article the vast majority were anti-Bernanke. Several cited the need to audit the federal reserve and there is current legislation underwa to do just that.

I was surprised to see all that Fed bashing in a New York Times audience. Of course, most of the Benranke supporters are too busy to monitor the news and comments due to their powerful, all consuming jobs.

But the Times digital editor got a good feel for the Benranke backlash now raging around the country. Obviously Bernanke and the Fed are only supported by the heavy money crowd who have profited so greatly from the Fed policies in recent years.

The big danger remains that Bernanke will be reappointed - Larry Summers would be no improvement whatsoever as an alternative - and the Fed will continue to be unaudited.

Congress should realize a privately owned bank that can tap into the public pockets for bailouts needs to be audited. Congress has to stop backing down from threats from the bankersters that they will destroy everything if they are questioned and if their looting of the Fed is revealed.

This creature from Jekyll Island needs to be thrown back into the pit of hell.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Media Thinks No One Reads the Internet for Comparative Reporting

A massive vaccination campaign will be launched to combat a flu strain that has allegedly struck about 300 people in a world population of 7 billion. And some of these flu victrims had only mild symptoms.
I have been flooding local papers with Internet warnings about the dangers inherent in the fast track vaccine - from mercury and live vaccines to squalene, which causes auto immune disorders.
It is now known more World War I soldiers died of illness than from combat, and the main culprit for the illness was vaccines.
All the local papers do is respond by printing canned releases from local agencies about get your shots, get your shots.
The media is still clueless that it is being compared to Internet reporting - and is being found wanting.
No wonder they don't understand why their newsrooms are imploding towards oblivion
It's not just technology, it is a matter of timid content.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

t r u t h o u t | Afghanistan War Resister Sentenced

t r u t h o u t | Afghanistan War Resister Sentenced

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Republicrats Dither as Financial System Burns

The banking system is teetering as todays article on Seeking Alpha documents.
Yet the Administration and Congress are focused on forced vaccinations of the population to combat a flu outbreak that has allegedly caused only 300 deaths in a world wide populaton of 7 billion. But every weekend auto wrecks kill 300 people in just the U. S.
And a major overhaul of the health care system is on the front burner. But health care has been tied to people with jobs - and jobs are disappearing and the income to pay for health care.
The Republicrats are turning to secondary issues right now because they have been told the recession is almost over and Benranke (sic) should be reappointed.
If any Republcirats wake up and say the financial system is flawed they risk at worse death or at the least character assassination..
The current banking system falls apart every 80 years and causes major disruptions and dislocations and pain every 10 or so years in between massive failures. It has to be replaced with something else.
It may mean a return to the Renaissance days when usury was forbidden and people simply bought and sold on contracts without interest. If a buyer defaulted the percentage of the contract that had been paid off became his or her ownership percentage in the item then resold to someone else. No more total wipe outs.
This would be a horrible system though. Crafty, amoral people would not be able to game this kind of system with funny money created out of thin air. They would have to work for their living. Or become outright obvious bandits.
Kings would be wise to learn from the past and not to borrow their kingships into insolvency by asking the banksters to finance wars in foreign lands for egocentric needs.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

As the U. S. Dollar Evanesces into the Mists of Time.....

At the University of Utah long ago I was half sleeping through Economics 101 but clearly recall being taught that gold was obsolete because government interest bearing debt was superior because it was backed up by the hard assets of the nation.
Before you rudely point out that Utah is ranked 137th out 138 public universities and colleges by U. S. News, I point out that pretty much the same ingorance was being taught at most of the schools.
Ivy League - (may I disclose one of my daughters graduated from one so I am not waging class envy) - grads who now run the Fed and the Treasury were given the same brain washing that I was. The only difference is that I deprogrammed myself. If Geithner and Benranke are also deprogrammed, then they are guilty of potential economic crimes against humanity for not heeding a higher more illuminated deprogrammed conscience. Most of the respondents on this board (Seeking Alpha) seem deprogrammed. At least the ones who post their thoughts.
However, I question the earlier respondent Darrell who sees a global currency as the way out of crisis.
This is likely why we are in a manufactured crisis in the first. place. The power hungry elites think a global currency will assist them in global rule.
Wiping out the value of the U. S. dollar - which Jeff NIelson says is now looming every closer - is a necessary first step in the elites' plan.
The U. S. dollar is evanescing into the mist because in reality there is no hard assets to back it up any more. Despite North America being resource rich, the local snitches and water carriers for the elites have destroyed the U. S. production base. My other daughter now works in retail for 60 percent of what she was earning in manufacturing (in Boulder, Colorado of all places) just a year ago.
A global currency would be desperately infllated and eventually destroyed by the same elite-serving central banks in Western civilization.
A global currency managed by russia, which, as I understand it, does not pay interest to a private bank when it wishes to print money, might have a chance to survive because it would be playing outside the rules that led to the current mess. If China manages the global currency it would artificially fix the global currency unit at below free- market rates, also a path to long term disaster.
Isn't it strange that the U. S. military might is now bogged down in useless ground wars against two Third World countries which share the fact that both are outside the control of the Western civilization banking control mechanism.
When Rome conquered the Greeks, Rome was conquered by Greek culture. If Israel is unleashed to nuke the Iran women and children into oblivion - along with their men and boys who are deemed inferior because they do not carry interest charging credit cards - what happens if the Islam non-usury banking culture is absorbed by the West and triumphs over it?
What will the money changers and lenders do then? Herd goats and sheep in an irradiated global landscape while remnants of the Fed circle in stolen helicopters, dropping scraps of useless paper from the skies above? Ultimately the economy wreckers must return to the desolate sands of Jungian undercurrents that permeate the depths of their collective tribal society.
How much better we would all have fared had the economy masters evolved from the garden abundance of the Emerald Isle,where it is green and lush. The Emerald Islanders knew how to take back control without resorting to nukes or currency collapse.
And we on this board who know more than the economy wreckers will be trapped in this same desolate landscape of ruin because we had not the social and political skills to stop the mad march into a nightmare world

Friday, August 7, 2009

Freezing Social Security Doesn't Thaw the Economy

If the government truly wants to stimulate spending then why is it freezing Social Security payments until 2013? Retirees are already receiving checks that are up to 50 percent below where true inflation levels should place them.

The Federal government economists forget that Social Security income - when spent into the economy - has a multiplier effect of up to five times the original retiree spending as the money is spent and re-spent while flowing through the broader economy.

This is fresh money that would not have to be borrowed by the retirees and then repaid with regressive interest charges.

Retirees pumping more money into Main Street would have far great impact than has the federal government simply trying to plug a multi trillion dollar finger in a far larger black hole that the financial industry is mostly responsible for creating in the first place.

Clearly the federal government and Congress is favoring destructive Wall Street - which has been encouraging the destruction of American business and jobs for decades under the guise of efficiency. Better if the government would start pumping up Main Street with direct transfers of cash.

The banks won't be loaning lots of money soon to kick start anything. Bankers know globalism - the strategy of outsourcing U. S. jobs and production while importing cheaper foreign labor - has broken the wage spiral that is essential to keep the usury interest spiral going.

Borrowers can't borrow $250,000 for a home today and then pay back $600,000 with interest in the future if their jobs and future raises don't mesh with globalist plans to drive the U. S. down to a world wide average.

More fresh money for retirees is a more logical first step to get more kick for the bucks.

An extra $1,000 spent by a SS recipient, will result in a multiplied $5,000 being spent as the money circulates and recirculates. And some of that will return to the U. S. as tax and Social Security revenue.

And that Social Security money need not be borrowed with the accompanying burden of interest.

The U. S. could simply issue the money on its own - as I understand Russia does when it wants to fund a project. And then any excess is soaked by taxation.

The U. S. has got to stop listening to investment bankers about what to do. Bankers have proven time and again they only care about themselves.

The government should focus on Main Street first, the people who build and maintain America. Not Wall Street, which has been dismantling it for short term gain. Investment bankers ....fix the U. S. economy without them.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Treasury Greenbacks Would Keep FDIC Solvent

The FDIC's dwindling reserves was graphicly shown in Bill Bonner's newsletter a few days ago. It looks like this reserve of last resort is running out if and when more banks get taken out.

However, FRDIC reserves don't have to run out. The Treasury simply has to bypass seeking loans from the privately owned Federal Reserve and simply print U. S. Treasury greenbacks and issue those to depositors. Or the equivalent electronic cash.

Doing so helps keep money supply from deflating even more - and the U. S. taxpayer will not have to pay interest to the privately owned Fed as it would if the Fed puts up fiat money for the FDIC.

Russia, as I understand it, simply prints money when it wants to fund a project. Then it soaks up the excess with taxes as the multiplier effect boosts economic activity overall.

The U. S. government could help jump start the U. S. economy too by restoring Social Security checks to their true inflationary level by using non Federal Reserve greenbacks. Senior citizens with pent up demand would be able to spend more and again the multiplier effect would help jump start the economy better than the Treasury has done by simply plugging the banking system's black hole from deriviatives and mortgage fraud.

Of course, the last president to issue greenbacks, JFK, was murdered. A president before him, Lincoln, was murdered also after issuing greenbacks. But this was likely coincidental because other over riding motives were in play in both instances.

Congress has to think outside the box and totally ignore the adivce it is getting from self serving investment bankers. Of course, it won't
