Friday, January 4, 2013

Hagel nomination consistent with what is going on

When the L A Times ran a story about Hagel being nominated for Secretary of Defense and how people were already shrieking at his views on Israel and Iran,  I submitted to the Times an online background story so the clueless media at least is shown what is going on ... of course these types of comments quickly disappear...


This story accurately reflects one phase of what the 2012 presidential election was all about.  While some viewed the candidates as just two shades of darkness, Obama was the paler shade for those who agree with the covert attempts to distance the U S from Israel.  Foreign Policy Journal got from  the CIA a study supposedly funded by 16 intel agencies that was titled A Post Israel Mideast Policy.  General Ramsey told the Air Force Chiefs of Staff - just as Petraeus told the Joint Chiefs of Staff - Israeli interests and U S interests do not necessarily coincide.  In October Henry Kissinger was reported in the New York Post saying Israel will not exist in ten years.  
Also in October we saw Netanyahu throwing a tantrum because Obama would not see him and receive orders as previous presidential seeking candidates have routinely done as a ritual right of passage.
I for one would like to see the U S follow a more rational foreign policy that is good for the U S and the western world.  
Hagel's nomination - and the screaming that is already reacting to it - is further evidence of this truly needed shift as the U S emerges from Israeli domination.
The entire puzzle was never put together by the media, but the individual elements were all found on the Internet, here and there, for the cognescenti.  If this plays out, I assume Israelis will just be moved to the U S at our expense.