Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Our financial, political elites have committed treason

I did not vote for Shrub either time, which makes me smarter than those of you who did.
I hope your short term profits he (and Greenanke) made for you are worth the destruction of the country that sustained us so well for so long.
Back in 2006 I laughed at the Dartmouth economics professor who told us parents in Denver how wonderful globalism and the weakening dollar was for all Americans and how it made us all richer. All those well suited and well coifed parents nodded on while I, the guy with counter culture long hair and a sport coat, marveled at their dumbness.
Wilson Siu and some of you others fully grasp the big picture.
If globalism and free trade drive the value of our dollar to zero I say globalism and free trade are not reckoning with a real world in which all the players are not so abstractly noble and self-deceptive.
What good is a globalism and free trade policy that provides jobs for Chinese peasants while our citizens turn into peasants.
Let each country produce and consume for its own, and then export excess to where it is needed and wanted.
I am tired of globalists and world traders enriching themselves while destroying the livelihood and economic strength of we the people.
The foundation of our national defense is a strong economy - so our financial and political and Federal Reserve elites should be jailed and tried for treason.