Saturday, January 19, 2008

Should the Quarter Horse go back to its roots?

Thoroughbreds like Three Bars & Depth Charge and other often nameless sires have had a positive impact on the Quarter Horse breed.

But 50 years ago the Quarter Horse was 14 ' 2 and 1200 pounds, and now it can range from that size to a 17 hand jumper.

Granted, Thoroughbreds themselves come in all shapes and sizes from 14 ' 3 Northern Dancer to 17 hand Lemon Drop Kid.

But a larger question is temperment. The original Quarter Horse raced on Saturday and then carried kids around the yard bare back on Sunday. And these could be stallions.

Should the QH return to its foundation quarter horse roots? Or is a continuing infusion of hot blood, mostly to pacifty the racing crowd, the way to go?I know the issue is always decided by money. I know we need money to survive, I recall when Western Horseman, for example, focused on the horse. Now it is more like an equipment catolog. AQHA runs two publications - reflecting this split personality.

This was also posted on Yahoo answers

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