Thursday, November 5, 2015

They Are An Invading Army: "Let Me Explain What You're Not Seeing Reported About The European Situation"

They Are An Invading Army: "Let Me Explain What You're Not Seeing Reported About The European Situation"

Monday, March 9, 2015

Congress Should Be Held Accountable for the West's Disastrous Defeat in Ukraine.

The West has just sustained a disastrous defeat in Ukraine.

The Senate and Congressional twits on the secret oversight committees who authorized sending snipers into Ukraine in the first place should be investigated and removed from office. All their fat pensions and benefits should be stripped. They should be held accountable - any and all  senators and congresspeople who approved and or funded this - should be held accountable for all the blood they now have on their hands.

This carpetbagger Jewish monstrosity serving as Ukraine president did not even try to negotiate safety for the 7,000 Ukraine troops trapped by Novorussia so they were all captured or wiped out.  Why would any Ukraine patriot fight to the death under this duplicitous betraying president?

Do not let the controlled media cover this up and remember it is now time to stop protecting and coddling the princelings and princesses in Congress who hold themselves above Social Security, which they have decimated, above Obamacare.  These armchair generals sitting in padded seats while they send people to death  no longer deserve to retire on full salary pensions.  They are the nitwits who have destroyed our finances and our integrity as a nation.

These oversight twits should explain why they cared a rat's ass about Ukraine at a time when this nation has serious problems.

Blacks are still refusing to assimilate into white honky culture and riot in Missouri.

So many Somali and other foreigners have crowded into subsidized housing that in the Twin Cities only 68,000 people are applying for the 1,500 new affordable housing spots available.

The Minneapolis School District is a disaster. Los Angeles schools - also packed with foreigners - are a disaster. Chicago is a disaster and has a Democratic mayor who allegedly donated his home to a Jewish school so he could avoid city taxes.  Where ever open border diversity has been rammed down our throats the schools and communities are a disaster.

Our bridges and highways are crumbling - but Congress still expends money and lives destroying places overseas, and then issuing fat cat contract to rebuild some of the foreign wreckage.

The wants and needs within the U S go on and on.

The bankrupt U S Treasury needs to be replenished. Too much of our work force is idle and needs to be put back to work and taken off food stamps and welfare.

And all these twits hiding behind their secret appointments and security clearances and phony Pentagon inside information could think about was military adventure in Ukraine.

I don't care if Ukraine is an ancestral homeland of the modern Jews - the only apparent motivation for this stupid war declared by lapdog Congress. Come up with the signed deeds that prove their homeland is in Ukraine instead of Israel, Birobidzhan, Hollywood or New York.  They do not need any more homelands. They do not need one. They are just a religion. And the U S should stop subsidizing their current hideout.

These secret Congressional oversight twits seem to  have no intelligence.  Did they not remember when the dual citizen Jewish warlord began killing people and knocking down buildings in a Georgian province that Russia took only five days to kick him out?  They had no idea Russia would simply take a few days and secure its base on Crimea?

Again, these nitwits in Congress should be investigated and removed from office as unfit armchair generals.  Pensions should be stripped. They should be held accountable for all this blood shed and added expense keeping Ukraine alive.