Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Immigration should be reversed, not reformed....

My letter to Senators Bennett and Udall today.

Though a Democrat, I am a moderately conservative one who loves his country.  Passage of the bill to block Homeland Security from delaying deportation of illegal immigrants was a good move.  The U S. is now almost bankrupt from fighting two phony misguided wars that were triggered when - according to U S intel and military agents - foreigners murdered 3,000 Americans by bringing down a high rise office complex of three or more buildings with burning jet fuel. (I am not making up the burning jet fuel causing the towers demolition, that is the official report by intel and military elites now retiring on fat pensions for their duplicity..)

That one act of alleged foreign savagery should have been enough to seal the borders and stop giving anyone in the world free passage into the country.

So many illegals are in our prisons, so many good lawmen have  been killed by these foreign invaders.  I just watched the movie Savages, which again details the brutal criminal behavior of Mexican criminals - which our open borders allow into our country.  Along with the Russian mobsters who came into Chicago after the Justice Dept. rounded up the Italian mobsters.

Enough is enough. We have tens of millions of unemployed Americans to put back to work. We don't need any more cheap labor. Silicon Valley can go without foreign whiz nerds.

The total lack of border security  did not screen out who could and could not get in.  Now, you in Congress are demanding all Americans lose their freedom and Constitutional rights because anyone was allowed in.  Citizenship is not the answer. Illegals are home invaders and they have and are denying us the use of our property.

You liberals told two generations telling U S women to have only two children - to preserve U S land, water and air resources.  We have achieved that zero growth rate for environmental stability. But unrestrained illegal immigration is destroying our environmental quality.

On our continent the real racism  originates in Marxist Mexico, which has the highest per capita number of millionaires in the world.  The blue dog socialists refuse to tax themselves to create healthcare and opportunity for Indian blooded Mexicans and are instead deporting them to the US.

This mindless charade has gone on long enough. Let the foreigners dream of a new future where they come from - and make these foreign leaders do the responsible thing and take care of their own.