Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Mess We're In

Response to essay in The Daily Bell

I believe the ultimate solution is limited government and more rugged self reliance and allowing the mega bureaucracies and the mega corporations to dissolve slowly back into the dust.

Gene Logsdon's vision of a nation of cottage farmers with supplemental home businesses, people with patriotic ties to the land, is the vision I and a vast majority of us should have adopted decades ago... but did not.
So now we have this extracted nation of busted dreams and dependency and listlessness counter-pointed by still working stiffs who are in some instances desperately trying to hold their world together.

Yes, the idle rich with too much free time are callously and selfishly orchestrating the destruction of the western world so they can create their Talmudic - Brahmin Hindu vision of a world with their selected civil servant class at the top, doing their bidding of depopulating the world and creating space for the elites to then breed like rabbits and create their new world order.

But for now the only realistic bridge solution for this mess is to do what Jerry Brown is trying to do in California... . shrink the spending while extracting money back from the only ones who have it... .the very rich whose wealth is compounding obscenely and relentless as documented by options trader Phil Davis on Seeking Alpha. Davis is trying to do what Brown is trying to do... . pull money out of the elites' treasure chest back to his sharp and smart options trading followers.

The Republicans led by Treasury Secretary Paulson lost the moral ground of no more privately issued Federal Reserve fiat credit money expansion (to be billed to the citizens with interest) when they bailed out the criminal banksters, thus rewarding them for their good work in destabilizing the entire western world with derivatives losses and nonexistent mortgages and unsustainable loans.

The best bet is to try and muddle through for now with a mix of cuts and tax boosts and then finally look at reality and accept as totally unworkable the usury debt-based money system operated by private central banks who do not work for the common good but only for their enablers. And then it will be time to call off the Talmudic manipulated western war machine and go back to Libya and ask why it was that people there all owned homes with non interest mortgages and why did the west want to destroy common sense just to export our failed usury system and our misdirected energy system and our callous disregard for human life as evidenced by the cold collateral damage deaths in Iraq and the Mideast, which only further raises moral outrage against our drug-numbed peasants and its increasingly aloof, disconnected and alien leadership.

My Congressman told me by email he firmly supports Israel and its right to sustain its predatory superiority complex culture with support from a U S that has been predatorily dismantled and given an inferiority guilt trip for having once had a moral compass and a Divine purpose.

Israel, the central banks, growing western poverty and lack of morality, the derivatives collapse seeded by Jews Rubin, Summers and Greenspan when they lobbied Congress not to regulate them in 1998, the now dysfunctional impasse between a Jewish funded and manipulated Democratic party and a Jewish controlled and staffed (numbers disproportionate to their market share) Republican party are all just symptoms of what happens when a once united states gets diversified by a bunch of hegemonious conspirators working for their own self interest and not the public good.