Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Globalists Have Bombed America - Islamist Extremists Don't Need To

World War II was an all-out four year war between the world's then leading economic powers. Global bankers hedged by financing both sides.

The current economic deficit is rooted in the all-out war against two Third World countries, neither of which could launch an attack against the U. S. unless the U. S. intelligence assigned a black op team to do it for them.

Moral and ethical corruption based on perpetual war set the stage for the poor moral climate that quickly spread into the wider economy itself. It is argued that World War II got the U. S. out of the Great Depression - but the costly War on Terror contributed to the economic slowdown and then collapse that is reflected in the current Undeclared Depression.

As for World War 2 being "classical Keynesian" that economic philosophy has inflation as an important component and as Keynes himself said:

"By a continuing process of inflation, government can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens."

Only this time the global banker consortium is only financing one side of the War on Terror since the opposition consists of ragged, desperate freedom fighters who are not running up debt to buy weapons of destruction.

Meanwhile, the government has allowed investment bankers and corporations to obliterate the American production capacity with greater devastation and accuracy than the Islamic terrorists could ever accomplish. Thank you Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateralists and all you investment bankers and government regulators. .

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Intel Runs the Show

Our U. S. intel community vets and keeps a close eye on all politicians who seek the "highest office in the land) (disregarding its national security level is far below the top levels) and if Barry Sutoro were a threat to national security he would have been "offed" at the most or character assassinated in the least.

Considering how intel routinely leaks info (Spitzer) or sets up pols to fail (Gary Hart) one has to conclude that Barry Sotoro met the standards imposed by intel to qualify as a stage managed puppet.

I don't think the broader population will ever comprehend how badly our intel has taken over the U. S. and because of its highly concentrated and inbred management pool bungled everything. Whether Momon, Jewish or Brahmin, the intel inner concentric circles have shut out the wisdom and common sense that can only be supplied by the populist class, which seeks the broadest good for the greatest number.

Managing the country to benefit small economically privleged segments always leaves the country unbalanced and veering off on wrong courses.